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°Danielle's POV°
During the concert one of the boys security guards named Mike knew me and Josh, we told him that we wanted to surprise Zayn. "You know I have the best idea to surprise that little lad follow me" He told us he guided us backstage and into Liam's room "Why are we in here for?" Josh asked Mike "Well I was thinking instead of a normal surprise for him prank him" Mike said rubbing his hands together "What kind of prank?" I asked him "Well, once again, Liam has 5bottles of fake blood in a black bag so I was thinking what if we get Marie, the guys make up lady, to come in and make your wrist look like its been slit open and we can put a small razor in your hand to make it seem like you decided to commit suicide" Mike said almost out of breath, this guy was crazy as ever can be, "Mike that's the most" Before Josh could even finish his sentence I interrupted "BRILLIANT IDEA!!!" I smiled "let's do this"
~20 mins later~
"What do you think?" Marie asked, she did the final touches to making my wrist look like its been cut open, it looked so bloody real, "It looks so real oh my god I fucking love it thank you!!" I hugged her with my right arm she welcomed me then left the room "Alright now Danielle all we need you to do is hold the razor in your right, lay down, and once you hear that door open I want you to breathe real slow like so the boys dont see your chest rising you can even hold your breathe if you like okay?" Mike said to me "Okay got it" I did what I was told Josh and Mike went into the bag and got the blood out they put it basically everywhere on my arm to let it look more realistic. They got done. "Alright josh you go hide inside the closet and I'll go get the boys" Mike said leaving, "Wow this is gonna be so hilarious and basically heartbreaking for Zayn" Josh said getting into the closet "You have no idea" I breathed out
~5mins later~
Five minutes have gone by, I heard footsteps appear come it stopped in front of the door here goes nothing..its show time the door opened and I shut my eyes real quick and breathed real lightly and slow. "Hello?!" I heard what sounded like Liam saying hello it wasn't long before I heard him say "oh my god" I guess he saw me I heard footsteps coming near me they were surrounding my 'lifeless body' "Oh god oh god" Louis said I guess he was pacing back and forth "Keep Zayn out the room and from the sight" Liam demanded somebody "Guys Perrie's outside with the girls they wanna know if we can go out to ea- WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I heard Zayn yell "Harry get him out of here now!" Liam demanded Harry once again...

Zayn's POV
I got done texting Perrie since she wanted to know if we wanted to go out to eat with her and the rest of the girls, I wasn't near the boys but I did see Liam cover his mouth and the rest run in I didn't rush over yet but now I had to get an answer from the lads so I walked over to Liam's dressing him. "Guys Parties outside with the girls they wanna know if we can go out to ea-WHAT THE FUCK?!!!!" I dropped my phone when I saw my sister on the floor lifeless my eyes grew wide with horror "Harry get him out of here now!" Liam demanded Harry to get me out the room, Harry came near me and tried to pushing me out the room, hell no he wasn't going to get me out of there that fast without me putting up a fight "Zayn let's go come on" Harry said trying to push me out I put up a fight I was trying to get to my sister "Harry get off get off harry let me fucking go that's my sister!!!" I was screaming for Harry to let me go, Louis came up and tried to hold me back with Harry "Zayn stop!!!ZAYN CALM DOWN STOP!!!" Louis was screaming begging for me to, finally I got out of both their grips I ran to my sisters side my hands were shaking tears were forming in my eyes "Danny, Danny come on come on wake up wake up" I shook her trying to wake her up, she didn't budge, I put my arm under her head and held her to my chest I was sobbing "DAN HOW CAN YOU BE SO STUPID TO DO THIS PLEASE PLEASE WAKE UP" I was rocking back and forth blood covering my hands I pulled her away I put my bloody hand over her face letting my tears drop on her cheeks I looked around me. Liam had his head in both his hands rocking back and forth mumbling no no no, Louis was pacing back and forth breathing heavily, Harry was punching the wall he made a whole in it his hands covered in his own blood, Niall...Niall's had it bad he was having a hard time breathing he was crying so bad his face was pure red his eyes blood shot red I shook my head and looked down at my sister...

°Danielle's POV°
I couldn't take it anymore hearing Zayn cry out and screaming just broke my heart but it was kind of funny, I couldn't hold it in anymore I giggled. "Huh?" I heard Zayn say I opened both my eyes to see his blood shot red I was dying of laughter. "What the fucking hell?!" Harry said while he turned around "It was a prank hahahha it was a prank" I said sitting up "Damn you should've seen your faces" I said containing my laughter "Bloody hell Danny that scared the shit out of me" Louis said sitting on the couch running his hands through his hair "Why would you do that?" Liam asked me "Well I wanted to surprise you guys but your security guard, Mike, helped us out with this prank on you guys he didn't want me to just surprise you in any kind of way soo it was his idea to surprise you like this" I looked around "I'm sorry who is we?" Liam asked me, before I could answer the closet door opened revealing a laughing Josh "I was on to this as well sorry guys sorry cousin" Josh laughed I was giggling. The guys started talking to one another about how each one reacted except one, Niall, Niall was sitting on the floor he saw me and shook his head he got up and left the room, "I'll be back guys" I said getting up real quick and leaving the dressing room I shut the door behind me I looked to my right and left no Niall. I ran down the right side of the hall way I'm gonna go check in his dressing room. I ran down the hall reading the names Louis...Zayn...Harry...Niall finally I found it, I knocked on the door waiting for an answer... I knocked answer..."fuck this" I mumbled to myself I opened the door slowly while knocking, there he was sitting on the couch with his head in both his hands, I shut the door behind me and locked it. "N-Niall?" I stuttered a little "Go away" I heard him mumble "Niall I'm not gonna go away like you want me to I'm sorry for-" I didn't finish my sentence he jumped up showing his nostrils flaring when he's breathing way too hard "Sorry? You're sorry? Sorry for what leaving me? Sorry for fucking choosing him over me? Sorry for doing that bullshit ass prank on me and the lads mostly on your fucking brother Danielle?! Are you fucking serious!!" He was pissed I knew that, "Excuse me? I didn't choose no one over you Niall I still love you okay I'm sorry that I fucking left you I had to get out that house to get away from Josh I didn't want him to hurt me again! I didn't know doing that prank was going to have Zayn end up crying, Louis pacing, Liam mumbling no, Harry punching the wall, and you crying your heart out I'm sorry Niall I really am" I said I took closer steps to him I had tears in my eyes "Niall I'm really sorry I didn't mean to put you all through this it was just a joke it really was" he looked into my eyes and I looked back in his I guess he was looking to see if I was telling the truth, he looked so bad his eyes were blood shot tear stains on his face his breathing slowed down, he sighed, "Danny let's get you cleaned up" He put his head down and took my head he left me to the bathroom that was connected to the dressing room. He put soap on my arm and washed the blood off, when he got to my fake slit open skin he pulled it off it looked weird getting pulled off but I could tell he was relieved to see my arm NOT cut open. Five minutes has gone by he was done washing my arm off, "Here dry off" He said giving me a towel to dry my arm off with, I took it, "Thanks" I said looking down he nodded his head and sat down on the couch, I got done drying my arm off I put the towel on the toilet lid I walked over to where he was sitting I sat far from him I didn't know if he wanted me close or not. We sat there in silence until he spoke up...

~Niall's POV~
I was upset and pissed about the whole thing but the silence was killing me, I had to speak up, "Did you really mean that" I asked looking down, I felt her look at me "Mean what?" Just get it over with Niall damn "Did you really mean it when you said you loved me and you didn't choose no one over me" it was my turn to look up at her now "Yes Niall I meant that I really do love you I didn't choose anyone over you and I don't want to" she said she scooted over closer to me I felt happy that she did scoot over I felt cold when she wasn't near and now I felt completed with her by my side. I put my hand over hers and rubbed my thumb over it, I looked at her and she looked at me I put left hand on the side of her cheek. She put her free hand over the one that was on her face she closed her eyes and smiled, she looked so beautiful when she did that. I couldn't help myself anymore so I leaned in she leaned in too after she opened her eyes. We kissed. Her lips were so soft and warm, I felt butterflies in my stomach I decided to deepen the kiss which made her moan...

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