It Was An Accident...

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°Danielle's POV°

I was walking downstairs to make me a peanut butter and syrup and syrup sandwhich(its really good)I got the peanut butter but I couldn't find the syrup. I looked everywhere then I realized that Louis put it in the top cabinet, I kept jumping and jumping but I just couldn't reach it"Need help?"I heard a voice behind me I jumped from the sound of the voice I turned around and saw Josh leaning against the refrigerator"Yes actually I need help getting the syrup but it's in the top cabinet can you help me get it?"I asked him being innocent and sweet"Sure babygirl"He walked to the cabinet and got the syrup without even trying"here you go"I took the syrup from him and told him thank you which made him say your welcome of course."Hey Danielle I gotta question for you"Josh told me while his back was leaning against refrigerator"What is it?"I asked him"Do you like Niall more than you like me?"That question hit me like a tom of bricks"What do you mean?"I put the knife down and looked at him"I mean is he better looking than I am Danielle yes or no question"he was looking at me straight in my eyes"Josh I'm not gonna answer that that's a dumbass question and you know it"I told him walking by him. I felt a arm turn me around and of course it was Josh"What the fuck do you see in Niall Danielle?!?"He was yelling at me now"I don't see shit in him ghdayum I barely even know him Josh damn"I yelled back at him his grip on my wrist growing tighter and tighter making it bleed and bruise"Your lying to me Danielle why are you lying to me?!?"He was hurting me even more my wrist was going numb I could feel the tears watering up in my eyes and running down my face"josh l-let go your hurting me please let go"I was begging him to let go but the grip was getting my tighter I was crying with hot tears steaming down my face"let go of me you piece of shit!!"I didn't mean to say that but the words just came right out I was about to say sorry when I felt a hand hit me across my face making me fall free on the floor I realized..Josh hit me for the first time he hit me the smack was so loud all the boys came running down. Right when Liam saw my face and me holding my bruised bloody wrist he ran like Flash to me holding me in his arms closely to him I was crying because of the pain that was running through me."Oh my god Danielle"Louis ran in the kitchen and ran back in the living room with a cold rag and placed it on my face Niall was just standing there frozen with water eyes and his fists balled up then there was Zayn he dashed and tackled Josh to the ground punching and kicking him Josh was fighting back punching and also kicking Zayn, Niall ran to Zayn and pulled him off if Josh"Calm down Zayn calm down"Niall kept telling Zayn"WHAT THE FUCKING HELL DID YOU DO TO MY SISTER!?!?!?!?!?!?"Zayn was pissed the fuck off"It was an accident I didn't-Danielle"Josh looked at me taking one step closer to me which made Liam and Louis scoot me back"Don't come near her"Liam was looking at him"Danielle I'm sorry"He told me one last time then ran to his room. I loved him to death

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