Long time,No See

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➰Zayn's POV➰

I am so excited my little sister, Danielle,is finally moving in yay I haven't seen her for 6months. Me and Danielle usually have our ups and downs but we always have our way to love each other, Danielle and I are twins but not identical of course I was born first. "Guys stop playing around and go clean your rooms up!"I told Harry and Josh. Josh is Harry's younger cousin they were joking around"Why it's not like she's gonna care"Josh told me"Go before I kill you all"I looked at all the boys with my death glare which made them all run up to their room and clean. KNOCK KNOCK I heard a knock at the door and I knew that it was Danielle, I ran to the door and opened it and I couldn't believe my eyes.

°Danielle's POV°

I got out the cab and walked up to the door wow this place was so huge. I knocked on the door still looking around the neighborhood, I didn't hear the door open all I heard was a "Danielle!!?"I heard a familiar voice yell,I turned around and saw my older twin brother"ZAYN OMGHD!!"I yelled and jumped into my brothers arms"Omghd I fucking missed your ass woah what the fuck happened to your face?"I asked him looking at his hairy face"I'm growing it out"Zayn told me.

➰Zayn's POV➰

Danielle jumped up on the counter and sat on it while I poured her a cup of Egg Nog. "Where's your band mates?"She asked me taking a sip of her Egg Nog"Their upstairs cleaning their room up since I told them you are staying with us forever MWAHAHAHAH"I did my evil laugh which made which made Danielle look at me weird"Okay you just scared the bloody hell out of me anyway I wanna meet the boys"Danielle begged me I couldn't say no she was already doing her puppy face which always made me give in"Uuhh fine,BOYS GET DOWN HERE NOW"I yelled hearing rapid footsteps and yelling move get out my way move your ass niall oh wait that's your face move uuhh my life is unbelievable. "God their animals"Danielle looked at me I gave her the I don't blame you look. The boys came downstairs standing in a line waiting for me to introduce them to Danielle."Alright this is Liam the smart one, Louis the awesome one, Harry the tattoo lover, Niall the innocent Irish one, and this one right here is NOT in the band but this is Josh he is Harry's cousin"I told her the boys said hello to her"And who are you?"Liam asked politely"I'm Danielle,Zayn's baby sister"Danielle told them which made the boys eyes grow big.

Niall's POV

WHAT! DANIELLE MALIK IS ZAYN'S BABY SISTER WOAH WHAT THE HELL "you guys don't even look alike"I told her"Well that's the beat part me and Zayn are twins but he was born first and older than me I was born 6mins after him so he's older than me"she smiled ugh her smile was so beautiful I know this year would be fantastic

A/N: Okay I know it is kind of suckish but I decided to make a new one and this is it so yeah

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