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°Danielle's POV°
FLASH I woke up to a flash in my face I scrunched up my nose and blinked my eyes open to see Harry, Liam, and Louis squatted in front of us, I groaned "What are you guys doing?" I said rubbing my eyes "Oh good morning love" Louis said smiling in my face "Then get out of my face" I scoffed "Fine by the way cook for us please" Harry begged "I will now go" I said, the boys left to go do sobering. Before I was about to get up I looked down to see a muscular arm squeezing around my waist holding me down, it was Niall, I smiled looking down at him "I love you" I whispered "I love you too" his lips parted to say his eyes opening slowly contacting them with my pupils. "Morning baby" I smiled kissing his cheek "Morning to you too pumpkin" Niall smiled sitting up. I was so focused on his facial features I didn't even notice that he wasn't wearing a shirt I bit my lip damn my man looking fucking sexy I thought to myself "Niall I got to go make breakfast for you and the lads so you gotta let go" I said rubbing his arm "Ughh but you're supposed to only feed me and only me babe" he whined "Haha yes but they're your mates and they are like my brothers to me as well besides I love you more baby" I told him "Fine" he said letting go of me "Go get my brother" I told him standing up walked into the kitchen where I found Harry shirtless spraying whipped creme in his mouth while sitting on the counter "Jesus Christ Harry why the bloody hell do you not have a shirt on?" I asked him walking to the refrigerator "It was hot" Harry said squiring the rest in his mouth, I laughed at him "You could've opened windows or turned on the AC Rapunzel" I said taking the eggs, strawberry, and bacon out "Well too lazy, here let me help you out there" Harry said hopping off the counter and taking them out of my hands, I smiled "Thanks Styles" I said taking pans out and bread "Any time Danny" Harry said taking the eggs out of its carton "How many should I do?" Harry turned facing me "Six fried, seven scrambled" I told him he nodded and turned back around. Pancakes pancake mix SHIT I forgot the pancake mix where is it? I checked in the pastry but no luck waiiittttt I remembered top shelf in the cabinet, I groaned pretty loud getting Harry's attention "What's wrong love?" He asked "Nothing Styles keep cracking" I chuckled, he did the same "Alright" he mumbled. I asked to the cabinet opening it. I scanned through it BOOYAH I reached my arm to get it, I didn't reach it. I jumped, no where near it. I jumped on the country on my knees "Finally" I whispered to myself, I reached my arm out to get it but a tattooed one got it before I even could, I whipped my head around to see Harry with the pancake mix in his hand, smirking, and one eyebrow cocked up I turned around slowly and sat down "So is this what you were groaning about? Because your short ass couldn't reach the mix box?" Harry laughed he was practically standing between my legs but not to close in any way. I laughed with him "Yes, yes it was" I laughed looking down "You know this I'd the first time I actually seen you laughing and having a good time ever since you got with Niall"  Harry said smiling. I never noticed that about me before ever since I got with Niall I been so happy with him he had this affect on me that no guy had ever gave me before I smiled to myself. Harry placed his hands on both sides of Mr leaning in, I could feel his minty breath brush my face . "I'm glad he's treating you really well Danny" he said basically in a whisper "Me too" I whispered back "If you need anything or anyone to talk to I'm always here for you okay baby cakes?" Harry whispered once again to me "Okay I will" I said smiling "Good, I love you little sis" he said smiling I smiled back "I love you too" harry bit his lip in his famous way I watched him. He leaned in oh god please don't I thought to myself I closed my eyes I felt his lips land on my forehead I felt calmed and relieved. He pulled away and cupped my cheek rubbing his thumb... "WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU GUYS DOING?!" We heard a loud booming voice startling us we both jumped Harry scooting away from me, we saw Niall phone in hand and face redder than a tomato "Babe h-hey" I stuttered looking at him my heart was beating so fast I swear it could've stopped any moment and I can die on the spot  "Hey?Hey? That's all you gotta say Danielle after you were just close with Harry?!" Niall yelled at me, Harry was scratching the back of his neck "No No Niall it wasn't like that we were just talking honest to God" Harry finally spoke up "How am I suppose to believe you when you were practically close as fuck to my girlfriend AND between her legs I saw with my very own eyes Harry for God sakes!" Niall said putting his phone on his back pocket "Niall, baby, I swear it wasn't like that please" I jumped off the counter and took a few steps towards him, he back away, "After all we been through together you decide to cheat on me with my best mate?!" Niall was angry and upset tears forming in his eyes "Woah Niall she wasn't cheating on you with me I see her as a little sister to me you look stupid!" Harry said stepping beside me, he wasn't going to deal with the fact that Niall assumed I was cheating on him with Harry hell no!! "I'm stupid? but yet she's acting exactly what Josh said and may-" Niall stopped his sentence "Never mind forget it" he said walking out of the kitchen "Niall!! Niall!!" I yelled my voice cracking I was about to cry "Go talk to him I'll finish breakfast" Harry said sighing "Okay" I mumbled. I chased after Niall he walked out the the back door, I followed, "Niall please hear me out" I spoke up "Why? You fucking hurt me Danielle why should I hear you out?!" He yelled in my face "Because I'm your girlfriend Niall you should at least hear me out!" I yelled back "NO YOU'RE A FILTHY, LYING, CHEATING ASS BITCH! JOSH WAS RIGHT YOU ARE DESPERATE YOU NEVER LOVED ME!" He yelled pointing his finger in my face. My heart stopped, I was frozen on the inside! I blacked out my hand connected to Niall's left cheek "DON'T! DON'T YOU EVER CALL ME THAT AGAIN I LOVE YOU NIALL ME AND HARRY DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WE ONLY TALKED ABOUT HOW HAPPY I AM WITH YOU AND HOW YOU GIVE ME THIS GOOD VIBE WHEN I'M AROUND YOU STOP HAVING YOUR HEAD UP YOUR FUCKING ASS YOU'D LISTEN TO BOTH OF US AND STOP ASSUMING! GOD I'M DONE TAKING TO YOU!" I yelled hot tears coming down my cheeks I turned around and walked back to the slide door. "Danielle, Danny wait!" I heard Niall behind me I ignored him. I ran upstairs to my room, I slammed the door behind me. I slid my back down on the door pulling my hair sobbing bad as ever, I heard footsteps passing my room. "Niall what happened put there why were you guys screaming at each other like bloody murder?" I heard Louis voice "Its nothing don't worry about it she's my girlfriend not yours not Liam's and I'll be damned if she ever became Harry's girl! All of you stop worrying about about her SHES NOT YOURS TO WORRY ABOUT NOW FUCK OFF!" Niall yelled at Louis ooouuuuuu bad choice knowing how Louis is "HEY! Listen to me Niall James Horan she's not your responsibility she's ALL of ours especially Zayn's. We invited her in our house and she's doing the same for us I don't know what happened between you two but I know for one that you better lose that bloody attitude or  I'll remove it for you. Simple." Louis said in a stern voice I heard him leave. I was done with today I locked my door, stood up, grabbed my phone and blue toothed it to my speaker. I started blasting MGK. I laid my phone down on my night stand and took me a long nap...

~Niall's POV~

I'm a terrible boyfriend, I been moody towards Liam and Louis ever since I found Harry and Danielle in the kitchen, him shirtless close to her face and her legs open how the fuck could you not get the wrong idea but what got to me was she said she was happy with me and I basically give her this good vibe... She was happy with me ugh I feel like an ass but Harry had no right to be near her. "Simple." Louis sternly said to me walking away, I sighed to myself I walked to a guest room at the very end of the hall "I'll just stay here then" I said to myself sitting on the bed knock knock I looked at the door and saw Harry great just great "What Styles?" I asked showing him that I wasn't in the mood to talk "Niall stop being stubborn and just let me talk" Harry said stepping into the guest room, I sighed, "2minutes go" I told him he sat beside me and told me from where he was hot to now. Wow don't I feel so terrible about myself after over reacting and calling Danielle a- oh god Danielle!! I gotta apologize "Harry I'm sorry but I gotta go apologize to Dan" I said standing up "No need, she's blasting music and 99% sure she's asleep" Harry said looking at me, I put my head down and sat back down "She's gonna hate Mr" I say feeling depressed "She's not going to hate you she's just upset give her time" Harry said patting my back.... I can't lose her.

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