Chapter 10

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we sat there all of us just hugging for about a minuet. Than we all let go. "Um you can leave now." Shawn said wiping the tears from his eyes.

I got up and walked out with the guys. Than i notices that there were some guys missing. Oh well.

Once we got back to the house i walked in and Matt, Carter, Aaron, Cameron, and Nash all jumped out.

I smiled. "WELCOME HOME MADDIE" they all yelled. I smiled. 'Thanks guys." I hugged them than walked upstairs.

I sat one my bed and took my phone out. I haven't been on it for almost two mounts. I had a lot of notification. I didn't even read them.

Lets see what this "Vine" app is all about. I downloaded it and looked up each of the guys and followed them.

Than i started to watch there vines. And they were funny. Now i see why they were popular.

I watched all for there vines. Every single one. I was laughing for hours.

Than Shawn walked in. "Hey." I said. "Hi. What are you laughing about?" he asked. "Just watching your guys vines." I said.

"Okay. Were going to toco bell want me to bring you back something or do you want to come?" "Im not hungry" i said.

He shut the door and walked over to me. "You have to gane 10 pounds in two mounts if you don't you will have to live at the hospital. I don't want that to happen to you. So please eat."

"Fine bring me back a Toco." I said walking to my bathroom.

After about 30 minuets Shawn came back to my room with a bag. "Here. One toco for Madison Gray." He said. I laughed. "Thanks." I said and took out the toco.

"Im not leaving till you eat the full thing." Shawn said and sat at my desks.

I took a bite than another and another till it was gone. "Want another one?" Shawn asked.

I sat there having a war in my mind.
"Sure." I managed to say. Shawn gave me another toco and sat back at my desk.

I finished that and i felt full.

"Okay i fell full now." I said and Shawn smiled. "I gotta get back to my house. We have school remember." I smiled and nodded my head.

"Cya" i said and Shawn left.

Its now 10 pm. I was laying in bed just thinking. Than i some how drifted off to sleep.


I woke up and all around the bed was all the boys. Than they moved and at the end of the bed was Jake and Gabby.

I was scared. Than Shawn jumped on my bed and punched me.

I fell off the bed. Than Taylor came over me and punched me. I was bagging them to stop. Than they were all in a circle kicking me.

"Stop please stop." I yell. They kept going. Laughing. I thought they were going to kill me.

"Just die already." Taylor said. "No one wants you here" Shawn said. They both laughed.



"Wake up! Maddie wake up its just a dream." I sat up fast and screamed.

I saw Taylor and Carter on the side of my bed. I freaked out. Taylor got on the bed and hugged me. I was having an anxiety attack. My chest got tight and i couldn't catch my breath.

"Its okay its just me and Carter. Its okay calm down. Breath. Breath." I started to cry. Carter sat on the end of the bed.

Taylor sat behind me and i sat facing Carter with Taylor's arms around me hugging me. I calmed down and i was really tired.

I put me head back on Taylor's chest and closed my eyes.


I was sleeping on the bottom bunk when i was woken up by Madison screaming stop. I jumped up thinking that Jake or someone was in her room. and Carter jumped from the top bunk.

We ran to Maddie's room.

She was screaming stop and was freaking out. She was crying.

"Wake up! Maddie wake up its just a dream." I said. She jumped up fast. When she saw me and Carter she backed away.

I could tell she was scared. I got on the bed and sat behind her. I put my arms around her and stop her from freaking out.

She was having trouble breathing. "Its okay its just me and Carter. Its okay calm down. Breath. Breath." I said trying to calm her down.

Carter went down to get her some water when he came back Maddie calmed down and put her head back an closed her eyes.

I leaned back on her head bored. Her in my arms. "What the hell just happened?" Carter asked. I looked at the clock. 3:27 am. Great.

"I don't know. I think she had a bad dream and we were in it. But i know she did have an anxiety attack."

After all that i was tired i put my head back and fell asleep.

I woke up to Maddie's alarm clock. I shut it off and Maddie was still were she was. Leaning agents me. Carter was at the end of the bed.

I kicked him. "Whaaaat" he mooned. "Shhh" i said and he got up. He left the room and came back with his phone.

He took a picture. "Come on Carter." I said. Than Carter showed me the photo. I smiled "Send that to me." I said.

I thought i should let Maddie sleep. I mean she just got back from the hospital.

I slowly got up from her bed and lightly set her down. Pulling the blanket over her.

I walked into my room and got ready. I made sure to put on a long sleeve top. I than wrote her a note.

"Dear Maddie.
You just got back from the hospital. You should stay home. Relax watch Netflix and we will be home after school.

Love Taylor and Carter.

Ps look at your phone. 😉

I set the note on her side table. And took her phone. She didn't have password on her phone. So i went on it and put the photo of her and me sleeping as her lock screen.

I smiled at the photo. I locked her phone and put it back down.

I than went down stairs and saw Carter. "Hey man." I said and grabbed an apple. "Hey." He said not looking up from his phone.

I grabbed my skate bored and started to ride to school. I ate my apple on the way there.

When i got to school i went inside and went to my locker. School didn't start for another 20 minuets. So i grabbed my books and went to the basement.

I took out my phone and pulled up Instagram. I had so many notifications. I looked at the photo. It was the one of me and Maddie. I smiled and read the comments.

Some were nice and others were calling Maddie a slut.

I just shut off my phone and put it in my back pocket. I thought i would do the homework thats due today.

Heyyyyy. Byyyyyye

Thanks for reading.

Words (MAGCON FANFIC) ~Editing~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant