Chapter 20

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Taylor's Pov

I cant believe she took her last breath in my arms. We are all sitting outside of the building still. Maddie's mother kinda went A wall and left.

Riley is with Matt. He is talking to her and trying to calm down. Im agents the wall with Carter to my right and Shawn to my left.

"Its not real." i whispered into my knees. "what was that?" Carter asked. I shock my head. "Witch one was with Madison when she died?" a cop asked. I looked up. "I was."

"Can you please come with me?" he asked. I got up and followed him.

"So I'm just going to ask you some questions." I nodded my head. "Do you know why Madison did this?" he asked me. Nodded my head.

"Why" "She was bullied and beat up every day by the same girl." I said starting to get mad. "Okay sir who are the girls?" I gave him the names of all the girls that would hurt her. I also gave him the name of the guy in the video.

"Okay thank you sir. Thats all we need." I nodded my head and walked back over to the guys. "She really gone isn't she? i asked. "Carter put his arm around me. "I'm sorry man."

I started to cry. "Tawer?" Riley said not being able to say my name right. "Whats up hun?" i asked whipping a tear from my eyes. "You look sad." I smiled. "I am sad." I said truthfully.

"Don't be sad. Maddie had to go to a happy place." He said happily. "Shes happy now. Thats what Matt said." I smiled.

Carter Pov

Taylor is not going to be the same i know it. I don't think any of us will be. The other guys didn't know her as much as me and Taylor did but Maddie still had a huge impact on them.


"Guys we got to get back home." I said whipping a tear."we have curfew in about 30 minuets." "Who's going to stay with Riley?" Taylor asked pointing to Matts lap were she has fallen to sleep.

"I could take her till Maddie's mom come back." Matt said. "I like that idea." Riley said very sleepily. Matt smiled.

"Alright you kids show be getting back home now." The officer said to us. "Do you guys need a ride?" "No we got it." Cameron said.

Cam, Matt, Riley, Nash and Shawn went in Cams car. Jack G, Jack J, Me, And Taylor went in Jack G's car. We all went to mine and Taylor's house.

Taylor got out of the car a walked inside not talking to anyone.

He slammed his bedroom door and locked it. I just let him be.

In the living room the Jacks and Shawn were sitting on the couch with a note pad and pencil. Shawn had a laptop. Cam and Nash were on there phones sitting on the chairs and Matt was on the other couch sleeping with Riley on his lap sleeping.

Every ones eyes were red and puffy. "so uh does anyone need anything?" i asked. Every one shock there heads. "All right well you know were the blankets and food are." I said and walked up stairs.

I walked into my room. The room the used to be Maddie's. I sat on the fool leaning agents my bed frame. i started to cry. Than i heard screaming and two bangs agents the wall. I walked out of my room and say everyone in Taylor's room.

There were two holes in his wall and him and Cameron were fighting and Nash was trying to brake it up. Taylor than punch Nash in the face. Making him fall back. Riley was in the hall hiding behind Matt. Taylor went back to fighting with Cameron.

I ran over and tried to pull Taylor away from Cam. While Jack G was trying to get Cam away. I got elbowed in the stomach but i still tried to get Taylor.

Taylor's Pov

I was sitting on my bed when it hit me. This is real. She's gone. She's gone and she's never coming back. What happened to having each other? what happened to when ever and were you are you got me.I felt the anger in me bullied up.

I got up and started pacing in my room getting really angry. I pulled my fist back and punch the wall. My hand went right through the wall. I went to hit the wall again but someone stopped my arm.

I looked back saw Cameron. "Let go." I said with anger in my voice. "Why are you punching the wall?" Cam asked. "Let my hand go. Im warning you." I said. But he still didn't let go.

I turned around fast and punched him with my left hand. He fell back nocking over the lamp on my side table holding his noise. He got up and punched me.

We started to fight. Nash ran in and tried to stop us. I punched him and he fell back. I went back to fighting Cameron. Ignoring what was happening around me.Than Carter and Jack G came in and pulled us apart.

I started to yell. "I hate you." Than i felt the pain in my hand and eye. I screamed in pain. I dropped to the ground. Every one left the room but Carter.

"She gone. Shes really gone and shes never coming back. Carter shes gone forever." I cried. "Its okay man. It will all be okay." Carter said.


I stood there looking at Maddie. waring a black dress that covered her arms and legs. Her blond hair down and straight just how she liked it.

A tear feel down my cheek. Matt walked up next to me. "Where's Riley?" i asked. "It seams like shes always with you."

"I didn't think a six year old should see her older sister in a confine. I cant believe her moms not back yet." Matt said. "You know i know shes not my sister or my daughter but i feel like i have to protect her." I smiled. "I know the feeling." Another tear slipped from my eye.


We sat down as the guy spoke. "Now a speech from Riley's special friend Taylor." i got up and walked up to stand.

We were out side in the graveyard where Maddie was. Kids from her old school and kids from our school were there as well. Whats funny is half the kids here sent her some kind of hate.

I got up to the stand. "Madison Lynn Gray. I don't even know what to say. I wrote this speech so many times. So i don't have one prepared so I'm just going to speak from my heart. I know most of the people here knew what was going on with her. The sad thing is half you people sent her at least one thing of hate. But you still come here to pay respect. You didn't know her like i did. She was sweat, kind, caring, and smart. You don't get people like that these days. Maddie ended her life because of the people online and the girls that would beat her up. You know what i was like Maddie. In 7th i tried to kill myself. I cut myself. I did all that."

Carter and the guys all looked up at me by now i had tears running down my cheeks. "Hell Maddie held us all together. I loved her. She was my rock and now i don't have her anymore. I don't have my rock. But hey i always called her my Angel so i guess its true. She is my Angel that watches over me and every one else." I looked up at the sky. "I loved Madison and now she gone." All of a sudden a flock of birds flow over us. I smiled and whispered "i love you Maddie."

I whipped tears from my eyes and walked away. I sat back down. Carter went up to talk after. I didn't really listen i was kinda just staring off into space.

Than it was time to barry her. One after another we all put a scoop of dirt in the hole.


We got back home and every one was just kinda sad and didn't talk much. I went up to my room and took out my laptop i opened it and went on Facebook.

There were a whole bunch of posted saying Rip Maddie. There was even a video of me talking at her funeral. i hate it. No one cared when she was alive. You cant start to care when she's gone and the video of me wasn't supposed to be online.

"Hey Taylor everyones going home." Carter said opening my door. I nodded not trusting my voice. "Okay well they said bye." Carter said. I nodded my head.

Well now I'm sad.
What should i do about Riley and Matt should they stay together??

Words (MAGCON FANFIC) ~Editing~Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant