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Cᴀʀᴍᴇɴ Dᴇɪ

There was quite the crowd when they entered the bar, neither M/n nor Kaeya could see the Bard so they settled for taking their usual seat at the counter

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There was quite the crowd when they entered the bar, neither M/n nor Kaeya could see the Bard so they settled for taking their usual seat at the counter.
"What crowd."

"Yeah, but everyone is calm so I could care less. So, what will it be this time M/n? Your regular or Kaeya's paying special?"Diluc said this with the straightest face known to man, M/n was baffled that it took him a while be for he burst into laughter.
"I guess the Kaeya is paying special includes my favorite drink plus some, huh?"


"Oi, why does he get a special at my expense?"

"Because I said so and this is my bar. Take it or leave it."Kaeya huffs but he didn't so much as mind. He did however want to freeze Diluc's gloves to the glass but since M/n was there with them, they knew better than to physically fight in from of M/n. They learned that lesson the hard way, one would say they have PTSD from the experience.
"Fine! Make the same drink for me as well."

"Aw, you're so sweet to me, Kaeya."

"Well of course! I'm the best brother after all."

"As if, I'm the best. You're just an attention leech-"The small banter turns into full-blown arguing that went unnoticed by the patron but it was noticed by the bard, he continues to sing songs of a brave traveler and the adventure to come.
"Guys, don't ruin the lovely song for the others."

"Kaeya/Diluc started it!"

"I swear, cut it out or I'll freeze the both of ya!"The look of fear told M/n that this has happened on multiple occasions and he laughs, the sound drifts into the bard's ears. What a gentle sound, the bard nearly miss plays a note from hearing it.
He's here again, I have yet to capture his attention with my music, maybe I should approach him after this tale.
His attention was passively on the young adult who was laughing and joking with his brothers as they glare at each other.


The siblings finally calm down to a point where they tolerated each other with light conversation.
"Hello, lovely wine drinker."

"What do you-"

"What do you-"

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"Uhh...H-hi.."M/n was downright prepared to scare off whoever was brave enough to approach him seeing Diluc and Kaeya nearby but his words die in his throat. This was strange and yet he couldn't grasp why the man was out of place.
"I've seen you around the bar lately and I was curious about you. My name is-"

"Go away, Venti. M/n isn't interested in what you have to-"M/n quickly grabs Diluc by the ear to silence him, this works because Diluc lets out a startled sound from the rough yank. Kaeya stifles his laughter and tries to play it cool but even Venti could see that the Calvary captain was ready to burst.
"Uh, continue..."

"Haha, I see the only person to silence Master Diluc is the all mighty brother of Kaeya. I'll keep this in mind."It slipped M/n's mind immediately but it came back... Diluc said Venti as in the Venti! The man before him is what was out of place, Venti was a small adorable male! Now he's was the complete opposite now, but he wasn't too sure if his hunch was correct.
"What were you going to say to me?"

"Oh, I uh...I was wondering if you'd like to-"

"M/N I FOUND SOMETHING!!"The door was thrown open and in walks Lisa after loudly announcing her arrival to the entirety of the bar. Many scatter away from the librarian, some even thinking if they forgot to return a book to the library or not.
"What did you find?"

"This book was in the restricted literature section. I forgot to give it to you after you got home but so much had happened before your return that it slipped my mind- Oh Venti, I see you've officially met my adorable best friend."

"Indeed, I was asking him for his time before you threw the tavern door open."Lisa chuckles at the passive-aggressive statement, so far Venti was the only brave man to be passive-aggressive with the Favonius Librarian. Lisa turns her attention back to M/n and hands him the book but soon as he makes contact with it, a swift jolt of pain strikes through his hand. His vision swims when he glances up and for a moment, just a moment, M/n could see Venti with large white wings.

 His vision swims when he glances up and for a moment, just a moment, M/n could see Venti with large white wings

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