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A ғɪʀᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀᴇᴍᴇᴍʙᴇʀ

"Hey, Kaeya, sorry it took so long to get back to you on that question I had, so much has been going on since M/n got better

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"Hey, Kaeya, sorry it took so long to get back to you on that question I had, so much has been going on since M/n got better."Venti starts when he enters Kaeya's office after leaving M/n in the company of Xeno and Ashe. The Khaenrian male smiles a bit, it was bitter and full of sorrow.
"Ah, yes...Well make yourself comfortable for a moment, I have some wine, would you like some?"

"Kaeya it's a bit early."

"You'll change your mind after I tell you when happened."Venti frowns a bit, could it be that bad? He holds off on the offer and Kaeya takes a seat behind his desk.
"When M/n and I were children living in Khaenri'ah, our home was nearly surrounded by Inteyvats, they were his favorite. He would play in that field all the time...I just wish he didn't that last time.."The look of regret washes over his face for a moment before continuing.
"Our father and I went to the market, leaving M/n in the hands of a woman we knew since he wasn't feeling well, I remember thinking of all the things I could do to make M/n feel better. There was this rabbit teddy bear with an f/c bow around its neck, at that moment I thought it would be perfect for him but...A voice I've never heard before screamed in my ear that if I didn't turn around, M/n would die. 
I spun around so quick and my breath hitched. There was smoke, a lot of it."Kaeya's voice falters for a moment.

It was becoming difficult to talk about so Venti suggest that Kaeya take a small break. The Khaenrian man pours himself a bit of wine and downs it immediately.

"I took off without turning to my father for help. I ran as fast as I could, the voice guiding me the whole way but suddenly it went quiet. I feared that it was too late but when I arrived, there was a strange man with long blonde hair holding my little brother in one hand and a strange sword in another. The sword was covered in blood and there was a body at the man's feet. He turns to me and starts his way over, without a word he hands M/n to me then turns to the flames that seem to snuff themselves out. He then told me that the woman tried to kill M/n and use him as a sacrifice to summon some god. Now that I remember, the man reminds me of Lumine. After that, he left and I've never seen him again."Venti reaches for the bottle and pours himself a glass.

It was a lot to take but it explains why M/n reacted the way he did in his sleep, memories of his past trauma were coming to the surface.
"Wait where do the flowers come into play?"

"That's what I recently found out, Lisa doesn't know that this book is missing yet but I randomly came across it while looking through the book in the restricted literature section. Lisa deemed it unreadable from the note she left on it but...I can read it. The flower was created by a primordial being of Khaenri'ah.
Their name is Dilandau, a gentle being that would push the boundaries to save their people...She attempted to sacrifice my brother to summon Dilandau, a being that no longer exists in this world. However, the two share a likeness according to what I read, so much in fact that the spirit of flowers chose M/n and imbedded itself within his soul. He's not the only one."Kaeya nudges the book over to Venti, he then asked what the male could read from it.

Venti was confused, there was an array of unknown words sprawled across the pages of the book. He flips through until two names he could read.
"Dilandau Alberich and Mavis Ovilia? Who are they?"

"Primordial beings from how the book describes it, they were the original seven before the Archons, Dilandau was the sole protector of our homeland and when their people were in grave danger, they wouldn't hesitate to throw themselves into battle to save them. That woman tried to replicate the dread of people in peril to get the primordial one to appear but... They're all gone."

"I'm sorry you and M/n had to endure something so horrific, what that woman did was horrible! There's a special place for people like that."

"Yeah and hope she's there rotting away. Thank you for listening. Venti Just promise me you'll take care of M/n. He's all I have left and the only person in this world who'll love me no matter what."


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