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"Ashe, you wanna explain why your cheek is as red as an apple?"M/n asked as he peers over his brand-new teacup from Inazuma, the blondie angrily huffs, grabbing M/n's unoccupied hand to use as an ice pack for the moment

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"Ashe, you wanna explain why your cheek is as red as an apple?"M/n asked as he peers over his brand-new teacup from Inazuma, the blondie angrily huffs, grabbing M/n's unoccupied hand to use as an ice pack for the moment.
"I did what I usually do! I called him a pigeon like any other day and we argue for a moment but today, he slapped me twice, called me an idiot, and ran off! Sure I can be an asshole but I don't think I should have been slapped for harmless teasing!"

"...." M/n puts his teacup down and then looks over at Venti who was looking back at him. It was clear as day and yet Ashe wasn't catching the hint, at all.
"Dear Archons in Celestia! How stupid are you, Ashe?"

"How am I stupid?"

"Definitely Stupid. Ashe, has Xeno insulted you as If late but it seems to be in an oddly nice tone?"Venti questions the pyro user, he thinks back for a moment.
"Uh, he said something about my face being stupid this morning instead of saying good morning."

"Anything else?"

"This afternoon, I dropped my moon pie and he gave me his moon pie while remarking that I was a clumsy moron who couldn't walk properly."M/n and Venti were in shock, either Ashe was a moron or Xeno wasn't being clear on his hints, either way, M/n was starting to feel bad for Xeno.
"I swear when you're the one making the move you pick up on hints but when you're not, you overlook it. Or Xeno's love language isn't something you understand."

"Love language? What the hell are you talking about?"

".... Xeno likes you stupid. He probably slapped you in a fit of irritation for not realizing how he felt! I would slap you silly if I was in his shoes. Ashe, not everyone is going to be upfront about how they feel, especially someone like Xeno who normally doesn't approve of human and immortal relationships."M/n was honestly baffled by how clueless the flirty man could be and Venti didn't think the man was serious up until M/n mentioned love language.
"Ashe, he's being mean to you affectionately. Like how you tease to show your affection. It's all about love language, M/n's language is words of affirmation while mine is through physical touch and quality
time. I can tell you're a physical touch-type while Xeno can be perceived as gift-giving or the acts of service type but he's kinda shy but in a violent way."Venti tries his best to explain but Ashe, the poor man didn't understand.

The two sigh heavily and then stand from their seats.
"Let's go find Xeno, we'll only know if they're in the same space."


It took a while but they found Xeno helping out Diluc at the winery at the request of Lumine.
"Xeno, there you are."

"What do you lot want? I'm sorta busy right now picking grapes."Xeno didn't seem displeased with them being there so M/n knew it was off to a good start. Though, Xeno looked a bit different from his usual. His long white hair was in a high ponytail while he wore a white untucked button-up with black pants.
Ashes felt a bit awkward from the previous conversation, leading him to not tease the Anemo user.
"...Do you guys want to help since you're interrupting my work?"

"Sure why not! Venti and I will start over here, Ashe help Xeno!"Before Ashe could react, M/n snatched a random basket and ran off with Venti, only far enough to where they could still hear the two.
"Break the stem and be careful, grapes are fragile and need to be handled with care."

"You say that about grapes but what about humans?"

"...Shut up and pick stupid."

"So mean~"Ashes chuckles as his nervousness fades away, they pick quietly at first until Ashe speaks.
"So about that Moon pie earlier today...I never got to say thank you because we both know you could've eaten it in my face without care. That was sweet of you-Ack!! OUCH, THAT FUCKING HURT YOU DAMN PIGEON!!"Ashes screams bloody murder after Xeno slapped him for the third time.


"YOU'RE YELLING TOO!"Venti and M/n laugh as the other two partake in a screaming match. M/n knew that he'd have to explain to Diluc why the two were screaming at each other but that can wait till later.
"I knew it, once they get used to each other, they'll be the cutest pair around."

"Hey, what about us?"

"We don't need to compete, Ven-Ven~"

"We don't need to compete, Ven-Ven~"

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