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Venti assumed that M/n was kidding with him about the book

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Venti assumed that M/n was kidding with him about the book...Ha, he was wrong to assume anything at this point when he found himself sitting across from M/n in his office, face deep in books. Though he didn't complain since he knew it wasn't their date but even he was struggling in his seat.


"Are you tired of reading?"M/n sweetly asks as he finishes the last few lines he translated with Venti's help, M/n didn't keep his promise entirely, at first it was supposed to be a few pages but it turned into the first half of the book but it wasn't anything on the magic circle he couldn't find.
"Yes, yes I am but I'll be patient."

"No need, we're done, lovely bard. So where are you taking me?"Venti's heart flutters just a bit and M/n could tell it did. In his original world, he was quite the sly fox which is why Yae Miko, Kaeya, and Lisa were his favorite characters because he was similar to them, kin to kin as they say.
"One of my favorite places and don't worry, it's not Angels Share! So your brothers won't lose their minds over our date~"

"Hehe, that seems to be the only time they get along. Anyway, lead the way my lord~"M/n teases while turning his back to Venti and the bards' soul could have ascended from the sight.

 Anyway, lead the way my lord~"M/n teases while turning his back to Venti and the bards' soul could have ascended from the sight

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"Ye-Yes?!"M/n chuckles lightly while pulling up his shawl, hiding the sight that Venti found delicious.
"I'm waiting for you to lead me."

"Oh! Right, this way, my handsome date!" The Cryo user chuckles once more, who said he couldn't date around before he attempts to return home? It's a part of life so why not, he thought but... Something else crosses M/n's mind...What if he liked it in Teyvat more.
No, I can't stay here, I have family and a life back home! I can't put them through this kind of heartbreak.
Venti takes M/n by the hand, joyfully leading his date to his favorite place, however, in the back of his mind he was hoping that a certain friend wasn't home when he did.


"Decarabian's tower... Though in ruins, it's still a beautiful place."M/n muses thoughtfully, his hand releasing from Venti's, he steps towards the edge and stops. The wind blows gently, with it the smell of grass and nearby flowers, the warmth of the sun lightly heats his body, is this what it felt like to be calm? To truly feel the world around you?
"Old Mondstadt, if it didn't hold such horrible history, it would be perfect to live here without care but I much prefer the current Mondstadt. The premise of a new slate is beautiful so I understand why you and the people of the past place Mondstadt where it is."Looking over his shoulder for a moment at Venti, he steps over the edge, the look of horror on Venti's face was almost laughable.

Suddenly, M/n rockets up with a laugh and the sun at his back.
"Remember when I took that feather? Well, I created my own wings with the help of a magic circle."M/n informs with a smirk, he couldn't fathom how Venti could worry so much but remembers that he lost plenty of friends.
"Sorry...I just wanted to show you how fabulous my creation is."He sheepishly admits while flashing the wings another time.

"He sheepishly admits while flashing the wings another time

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"They are beautiful but please...I was truly worried that you'd-"

"Become a name on a tombstone... How about we stroll about? I see a perfect spot to relax and we should make it there before sunset, what say you?"

"Is that another way of apologizing to me?"Venti cues out with a bit of a smile on his face. M/n being the sucker he is for cute smiles couldn't resist pinching the others cheek.
"Yes, sweet Vennie."The two venture further into the remains of the towner; stopping to gaze at the scenery while they advance through the wind barriers, it was stunning in person. M/n was a tad bit worried when Venti tried to lead him over the active magic circle that was stationed in the middle of the ruined tower.
"It's perfectly safe, don't worry~"

"Hehe, I feel safer already."With that, they continue until they're seated at the top, just as the sun starts to set.


"Did you enjoy our casual date?"Venti shyly asked, at first there wasn't an answer until M/n placed a kiss on the Archons cheek.
"Is that a yes?!"

"What do you think?"

"What do you think?"

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