Missing Bunny

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                      "How's this one?" said Freya as she held up a lovely silver tiara with fire opals on it. Amber shook her head. "Come on Amber, why is it so hard to choose a tiara to wear?" "Because I have so many to choose from! And they all look gorgeous on me!" said Amber. "You've been wearing the exact same one for years! To school, at home, the circus, fair, Wassailia, All Hallow's Eve, every single ball, banquet, feast and gala that has been held in this castle!" Freya listed off in exasperation.

                         Amber said defensively, "I did wear my derby tiara often before giving it to Sofia!" "During the occasional trips to see the flying derby, it takes you hours to find it then you wear it for half those hours and then you chuck it back into your closet for it to be never seen again until your next flying derby outing." "Well why did you even agree to help me choose a new tiara if all you were going to do was complain about it?" said Amber heatedly.

                      "Because every time you ask me to do this with you, you always, ALWAYS pick the one on the far left, which is the one you were wearing to begin with." said Freya. "You're one to talk, aren't you always wearing the exact same dress and hat everyday? I've only seen you change twice!" "Says the one who only changes gowns at her stepsister's welcome ball." "You know what, I think I'm going to ask Sofia to help me choose a tiara." said Amber in a huff as she made to leave the royal jewel room.

                    Freya called after her, "Hope she helps you pick something different this time!". Amber scowled. The next day, Freya wasn't surprised when she saw Amber in the exact same tiara. Sofia asked her to come watch the magic show that was being performed that day, but the young witch wasn't impressed with the magician's tricks. They had a royal sorcerer who could make a bunny invisible, transfigure lizards back into humans, poof things and himself, and could do any spell as long as he was confident. And the royal children were amazed by someone putting a dove in a hat then pulling a rabbit out of it. 

                    James was especially excited about the magic show, particularly the vanishing act. Freya had read about magicians, and she knew there was some sort of secret door in the vanishing box. But was too busy trying to figure out how each trick was done without magic to say anything. 

                       When the show was over, she, Amber and James made to go inside, but Sofia and her rabbit Clover stayed back to chat. For someone who wanted to keep her animal talk a secret, she wasn't being very secretive about it. Just then, she heard loud flapping of wings, and turned around to see Sofia's school flying horse Minimus quickly descending at rapid speed. Freya sent a spell at his direction and prevented him from crashing into the bushes. 

                     "Good save Freeya." Sofia complimented, and Freya just walked inside. She poofed to Cedric's workshop and there he was, napping on his spell book with Wormwood standing on his perch. The young witch proceeded to rearrange the potions, and organise the books. After she was done, she fed Wormwood and stroked his back. That was the signal they agreed upon. 

                    Wormwood then flew over to Cedric and squawked loudly, awaking the sorcerer and startling him so much that he fell over backwards onto a cushion that Freya had already placed. "Hi." she said with a grin as she was leaning over Cedric's grumpy face. 

                  "Don't you have better things to do apprentice?" he grumbled as he got up. "Other than keeping your workshop in actual living conditions?" "I don't have anything to teach you today." said Cedric. Freya replied, "You say that like I only come here when I want to learn something." "Then why are you here?" "Because you're supposed to be training me to be the next Royal Sorceress.".

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