Chapter 13- Family

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I wonder if I'm being real
Do I speak my truth or do I filter how I feel?
I wonder, wouldn't it be nice
To live inside a world that isn't black and white?
I wonder what it's like to be my friends
Hope that they don't think I'll forget about them
I wonder
- Wonder • Shawn Mendes

James had slept bitterly that night, alone, hoping the next day would be better. If they were going ahead with Peter's plan, then he had to be well rested. His brothers plans almost never worked the way that he wanted them too.

When he woke up, early, James started to list his ideas. What could they do to prepare? How could they make the operation efficient? What could the Telmarine's do to make their lives hell?

Soon enough, the other leaders of species joined him, as did the humans. That was when the planning really began.

Thankfully, a faun was entertaining Alfie as he would only be a nuisance- but Harvey was able to keep himself from trouble. Another of James' books was used to occupy his mind, and he was grateful for it.

"We need someone to go in first." James told them when silence fell on the room. "And we need a signal to get everyone else in."

There was a general noise of agreement before Edmund spoke up. "What about this?" His torch was in hand, the electric one, and he smiled. "I don't mind being first."

"If you're sure." James trailed, and his younger brother nodded.

"I am."

"Alright. Edmund will be dropped here by the Griffin's..."

And so it began. The planning for the siege started, and James took most of it over. Though he rarely did battle work, when he did, it was flawless- if everyone stuck to what he said. James was a mastermind, it was true, and hiding it was often the best option.

When they took their break for food, part way through the day, James sat outside of the tomb. It had started to get stuffy, and he wasn't a fan of it at all. The fresh air was welcome, and the company even more so.

"You don't mind if I join you, do you?" Caspian had asked, with a part of a loaf of bread in hand.

"No," James shook his head, sort of surprised that the Prince wanted to spend time with him. "Of course not."

Caspian's words trailed, afraid to offend the blonde King. "Only.... Only I wanted to ask about your fight yesterday."


"Well... what was it that Peter was going to say that was so bad?"

"Where I'm from..." James began. It was a bold choice, so decided to change his approach. "What are the marriage laws like here? How have they changed?"

Confused, Caspian replied. "They haven't."

"So men and women are still allowed to get married?"

"Of course."

Then, with a deep breath, James wondered. "What about a woman and a woman? Or... or a man... and a man? Can they..." his words faltered, and cracked. "Can they marry?"

"Naturally." Caspian was puzzled. He had every right to be. "Forgive me, but I do not understand how this relates in any way to your argument with Peter."

"Where I'm from men can't marry me." James blurted, the words felt dirty, he felt unclean. "And there are words for people like me. Peter was going to say one of them."

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