✅Sleepover. 1

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"Huh, I can't believe you're moving! Actually, moving away from me!"

"Beamie~ it's not like I'm dying! I'm just moving to another city!"

"I still can't believe it!" a cute, pale skinned boy with sharp, chocolate brown eyes and a cute, button nose, walked out of his class to his locker. "Kitty, do you know what happens to the kids who start high school with no best friend, no date and low social standing?" he asked the blond dyed hair, shorter boy who stood by his side, filling his bag with his stuff from the locker beside Beam's. "Nothing! Nothing ever happens to them!" he said and started emptying his own locker, stopping to stare at the picture of a boy on his door, sighing and running his fingers on it before pulling it out and placing it inside a book. Then he put that book in his bag.

"Look at it this way, you have the whole summer to revise your image" his best friend smiled, showing his dimples as he moved and wrapped his arm around Beam's neck.

"I never really had an image, did I?" Beam asked and the other boy scoffed, laughing.

"Well... start now!" he said and Beam shut his locker.

"Not without you, I can't!"


"YEAYYYYY!!" As soon as the bell rang, the whole school went up in chaos with students running out of their classes, as if inmates being freed from prison. Papers were being thrown, snow and confetti sprays being sprayed, and screams of freedom being shouted. It was finally summer break!

"Ah, I can't believe! We finally graduated junior high!" Kit laughed as students ran around them.

"Bye! See you guys!" Beam called to a student or two he knew from his class.

"Beam! Kit! Come along!" A tall, handsome looking man in glasses and a brown blazer called the duo who both hurried to them. "Take this! And this!" he handed them both a list of books each.

"Kru Suppasit, I though we were done with junior high" Kit whined, seeing the amount of books they had.

"Ah, my favorite duo. I can't believe I won't be having you two in my science lab next term" the teacher shook hi head. "And this isn't home work! This is your summer reading list! So what if you're done with junior high? A good and fun read always comes handy"

"You've read all these books?" Beam exclaimed. "Gosh, you gotta get out more! You're more funless than my mother!"

"Eh, you're comparing me to your mother?" The teacher frowned. "Then really need to get out more!" well, of course, he'd met his favorite most student's mother on occasions. Fun times! Yes, pun intended!

Just then someone came behind Beam and sprayed foam all over the poor man's glasses and face, making him yelp and run after the kid, shouting. Well, being a goofy, nerdy yet hot man who got along with kids well, he was always the target of pranks and it being the break time, well, he'd happened to have had bizarre accidents all day long.

Beam and Kit laughed at the poor man's expense and walked ahead.


They both stopped as a cute little pale boy in oversized t-shirt and round glasses came running to them.

"Hey, Oon, what happened?" Beam asked.

"Party problem, guys!" the boy called and handed Beam a piece of invite.

"Ah, Yo won't make tonight" Beam read the invite and rolled his eyes at Kit.

"Lemme guess, Saint also threw a overnighter?" Kit scoffed.

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