✅Sleepover. 2

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"Yes, you" Wayo shrugged at the gaping, lost Beam.

"Me?" Beam asked again. Maybe, just maybe... no?

"Is he broken?" Wayo confirmed from Kit who rolled his eyes.

Wayo shook his head and stared at Beam's computer. "Well, you got a date at 7 at the Cosmo club. You're Tee and you'd be wearing that faded jeans jacket hanging on your cupboard, wear it over a white t-shirt!"

Beam, still in shock, could not even process it. It was really happening? How was it happening?

"Your date's name is Mew, tall, fair skinned, wearing a back coat over a navy and white shirt. And his hobbies are reading, hiking, sunsets and cliff diving. He's perfect"

"How's he perfect?" Beam demanded, already hyperventilating.

"Duh, he's verified by the site, he's safe" Wayo said, rolling his eyes. He stood up when his phone beeped, announcing Saint's arrival and walked to the window. "Remember, the first team to complete all the tasks and reach the high school parking lot, wins the spot"

With that, he opened the window to just easily get out and walk down to roof to jump on and climb down the wooden arbor. Beam and the guys could just gape at how easily he sneaked down.

"How does Saint get to drive?" Arthit was the first to ask.

"He was held back one year, he's older than us" Kao explained and Arthit gave the car being driven away from Beam's house a dreamy look.

"He is soooo luckyyyy" he said and Kao shot him a WTF look.

Beam let go of the breath he was holding before turning to Kit with puffed cheeks. "I blame you!" he said and walked inside while Kit made a sheepish face.


But Beam was pacing around, hyperventilating. "Sneak out like ninjas? Forget my vacation!"

"Tim will cover-"

"Oh! Trust Tim to cover for us! Ra-ight!" Beam sneered like a crazy man. "He mops around the town, wanting back his high school days, he sleeps hugging our pet dog dog on a broken mattress in his room without any furniture cuz mom threw out everything when he went to college yet he was back crying! He will cover alright and I will be broke after paying him! And for what?!" he paced around, rambling. "A date at a club? We are fucking fifteen! Oh my, a Mew what so ever! Am I supposed to meet this guy? What would he do to me?"

"Buy you a drink?" Kao asked, face tilted thoughtfully. "And maybe drug it"

"Yeah, he could be a psycho who abducts his dates" Arthit grinned and got smacked by Kit.

"We'll stick together-" Kit tried again.

"And what clothing?" Beam went on, as if he didn't hear Kit. "Faded jeans jacket? What jacket? This jacket? Tim's jacket? I won't bloody need pants if I wear Tim's jacket!" he snapped in panic and Kit bit his lower lip while Kao and Arthit shared amused looks.


And that was Arthit's cue to laugh out while Kit held his mouth and Kao hurried to shut Beam up.

"Beam!" Kao held his shoulders, and being the stronger one, he easily stopped his pacing. "Stop! You're giving me a headache! You make it sound more complex than a Navier-Stokes equation!"

"Navy skate what what?" Arthit asked and shut up when Beam and Kao shot him annoyed looks.

Then Kao turned to Beam. "Relax" he said. "Look. We all agreed to it, so we can't back down. And those Prada and Santa are obviously picking on you to put all these tasks in the list, just for you! You can't let them both have the satisfaction. Look, we are all in this together, we'll stick together. And if we do get caught, we could blame it all on Kit, he's moving" he grinned and Beam let out a tiny chuckle while Kit protested.

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