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It was a rainy June day in 1999 you were peacefully sitting in your windowsill reading your favorite book "One of Us is Lying."

You were interrupted by your dad coming in and saying "I got the job!" he was ecstatic, you on the other hand weren't. You didn't want to move to the UK, especially since you were going to be a Junior in high school next year nobody would want to be friends with you.

Your mom came in not too long after your dad, "so hunny we are going to be moving within this next month just before school starts, just so we can register you on time." your mom said standing right next to your father.

You let out a sigh, you wanted to cry but you were also very happy for your dad because this meant you were going to finally have more money. "I don't want to move." you said hanging your head. No kid ever wants to move after living in a place for almost their whole life, you loved it in France, you didn't want to leave, but you really had no choice or say in this situation.

"I know you don't sweetie, but it's for the best I promise." Your mom said hugging you. "Well we best get packing the house isn't going to pack itself!" Your dad made a joke. God you hated it when he made dad jokes, they were so un-funny to the point that they were funny.

After both your parents were out of the room, you walked back over to your windowsill, you loved how the rain sounded tapping against the glass it was so soothing and relaxing.

You picked up your book and set it back on your book shelf, you had no clue where you were going to start packing, you didn't know if you should start on your clothes or your books or your shelves. You went down the hall to your parents room to ask them what they think you should start on.

You stopped in front of their door to knock just so you aren't walking in on anything. You get the "go-ahead" and walk in. "Mom and Dad what should I start packing? I have no clue what to start on." You said looking around your mom and dads room to see that they've already made lots of progress.

"I think sweetie you should probably start on your shelves because you don't use those on a daily basis." Your mother said while she wrapped her breakable stuff in newspaper. "Alright I think I'll do that, love you!" You said walking back out to the hall and shutting the door behind you.

You slowly walk back to your room all you can think of is how terrible school is probably going to go. You try to convince yourself that it won't be that bad and everything will be fine.

You get back to your room and start packing away all your figurines into a big box after wrapping them in newspaper.

You grab a few figurines at a time and see how dusty the were it doesn't surprise you though because those have been up there since you were a little girl.

You finish packing up your figurines, you set that box off the side with "FRAGILE" on the side in big bold letters.

After a while your parents come back into your room asking if you want to go out to the local diner for dinner, you excitedly say yes because you haven't ate out in years and plus this may be one of the last times ever that you'll get to go here.

You put on a nice button up shirt, some flared jeans, and your high top Converse. You notice it's a bit chilly since the rain has stopped so you throw on your jean jacket for a bit over warmth.

The diner is only a block and a half away from your house so you, your mom, and dad just walk there instead of wasting gas.

When you walk in there right away you spot your best friend. You walk up to her and sit down. "Heyy didn't expect you to be here" she says surprised. "I didn't expect to come tonight but I think the only reason we are going out to eat is because we're moving." You said trying to laugh it off.

"Wait wait wait you're moving??! Where??" Your best friend looks at you shocked and confused. "UK, not sure where necessarily but all I know is it's somewhere in the UK" You said shrugging. "Ouuuuu that's so coool! Well I mean we can keep in touch since you have all my socials, but I think you should go over there it looks like your parents are waiting for you, but nice seeing you bye!" She said waving bye to you as you walked over to the table your mom and dad were sitting at.

"So what were you two talking about?" Your mom asked, like moms do. "Oh nothing just about me moving" You said looking at the menu. "Oh, how did she react? Since you guys have been best friends since diapers." Your mom said with a slight grin on her face. "I guess she took it well, she said we would still stay in contact since we both have all of each other's socials, so it won't be too hard to stay in contact with her." You said still scanning the menu to see if anything sounded good to you.

"I mean that's good if she took it ok i'm glad you two will be staying in contact." Your mom said smiling.

"Waiter! We're ready to order!" Your dad yelled waving down your waiter. "Hello, sorry what can I get you?" She looked at you "Uh, just a plain bacon cheeseburger and a coke" You said closing your menu. "Alright..plain bacon cheeseburger...coke...ok you next." She said looking at your dad. After your mom ordered you all just sat there and talked about where you would be moving to and just all the standard things.

After your food finally got to your table you practically gobbled everything down, it seemed like you haven't ate in days, but in reality it was only a few hours since you last ate.

Your family finished their food, paid for the bill, and tipped the waiter. Right before you left your best friend came up behind you and hugged you, you hugged her back. "Bye, I'll miss you a lot if this is going to be the last time I see you" She said holding onto to you tighter. "It's ok, I'll try to visit but for now we can call often promise." You said turning around to hug her then get out the door to catch up with your mom and dad.

As soon as you got home you quickly changed into your pj's and jumped in bed to read your book since you were almost done with it anyways. You started to feel drowsy and just saved your spot so you could get some sleep.

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Word Count- 1,209 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now