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After talking to Michael in the food court you hurry up your school shopping so you can get home and get to bed since it was that late in the day already. You had an okay day besides the whole Michael encounter. As soon as you got home you rushed upstairs and got changed into your pajamas and hopped in bed setting your alarm for 6am. You got cozy under your covers and fell fast asleep.

-Time Skip-

You awake to a cloudy morning and it looking like it's going to rain outside again. Which you knew you were going to have to get used to because it was like that a lot in the UK. You got up and heard your door creak open, "Hey sweetheart we are going to be leaving here in an hour so hurry and get ready, your mom said we may do some more shopping afterward but hurry love you." your dad shutting your door and walking away.

You grab a brown tee, jean jacket, jeans, and your converse. You decide to put some eyeliner on your waterline of your eye. You look in your body mirror you got yesterday and like how your outfit turned out. You head out of your room grabbing your phone and walking downstairs. You say hi to your mom and dad who are already getting their coats on.

You grab an apple out of the bowl from middle of the table and walk out to the car. You sit in the car for a minute or so then see your mom and dad walk out of the house. They get in the car and you begin your drive to the school. The school is about a 5 minute drive away from your house depending on traffic. You arrive at the school and it looked just how you expected it. A two-story school that looked like it went on for a mile.

"Let's get going y/n" your dad said after finding a parking spot. "Yeah coming one sec." you said stepping out of the car avoiding any mud puddles because it rained the night before. You start walking up to the school unsure which door you enter in. You try a few doors and finally find the one that's unlocked and signal for your parents to come over. You walk in and it's almost like there's people everywhere.

"Anyone know where we go from here?" your dad asks. You see a sign that says "REGISTRATION THIS WAY" you guessed that's where you had to go so you pulled on your dad shirt and pointed in the direction of the sign. "Hunny it's this way" your dad said to your mom and point in the way of the sign. You all walked the way and sat in the big lunch room? You weren't too sure on what room you were in but it looked like a lunch room. You sat at a table in the middle while your mom and dad went and did their thing.

You looked over to the door and saw him. You wanted to die right there and then. You had to go to school with Michael. You guessed that was his dad that had brought him because he was talking to him like a dad would to his son. He walked over to where you were sitting and sat right next you. "Hey again, this time you didn't run into me." Michael said chuckling. "Haha you're so funny." you said rolling your eyes. "Did you like just move here or something? I've never seen anyone this ugly around here." Michael said yet again chuckling. "You think you're so funny but yes I did just move here from France, Chamonix to be exact. Probably never heard of it maybe because it's small or you're just too dumb." you said smirking and rolling your eyes. "France huh? Explains the heavy ugly French accent." Michael said smiling hoping he would get a reaction out of you. "Says the ugly British fuck. God. Don't come after me when you are literally British." you said rolling your eyes again and seeing if your parents were almost done. "What grade are you in?" Michael asked ignoring your previous remark. "Junior." you said looking bad at him with a stern face. "Oh same. So we'll probably have a lot of classes together, so get used to seeing me ugly fuck." Michael said getting up and leaving with his dad. Ugh I hate him so much.

Your mom and dad got done not too long after Michael left. "Sweetie do you want to do some more shopping before Wednesday?" your mom asked. "Yeah couldn't hurt anyone." you shrugged walking out of the lunch room. You reached the car not excited knowing that you would have to deal with Michael and his stupidity this whole year.

You arrived at the mall after what felt like an hour drive when it was only about 20-30 minutes. "What do you want to get here y/n?" your dad asked putting his arm around your shoulder. "Uh I don't know maybe could we finally pick up the record player that i wanted to get a few days ago?" you asked your dad knowing you both forgot about it. "Oh yeah! I knew I was forgetting something but yes of course we can!" your dad said walking with you and your mom into the mall.

You guys looked around the mall for a while till you finally found a store that sold records and record players. You immediately recognized Michael standing in the corner with his dad looking at some records. You tried to keep your distance so he wouldn't say anything around your parents. "Here let's go over here and look.." you said guiding your parents away from the direction Michael was in. "Here look here I'm going to go look over here." you said backing away to look at some of the records.

You hoped and prayed that Michael wouldn't notice that your were there but he did. Of course he did. "Oh hey y/n, what are you stalking me now?" Michael said laughing. "No why would I want to stalk an idiot like you? I have better things to do than follow your ass around." you said laughing containing to look at the records in front of you. "You really think you're so funny, new flash you're not." Michael said walking away. You just laughed and continued on doing your thing. Your parents bought you a new record player and a few new records to play. You fell asleep in the car and woke up at home. Your dad helped you upstairs and into your bed. You wiped off your eyeliner and threw on a t-shirt and climbed into bed and fell asleep.

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Word count: 1,147 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now