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You awaken to the pitter pattering of rain tapping on your window. It was Friday meaning tonight you would be getting on the plane to move to the UK. You couldn't believe it. You were actually moving. You've lived in this house since you were a little kid. It felt so weird seeing your room all packed up.

"Come on y/n! Start getting ready the trucks are gonna be here any minute now!" your dad shouted making sure you were awake. That was your signal to grab and put on the outfit you didn't pack up just so you could be comfortable on the plane. It was a pair of leggings, hoodie, and your Converse.

You walked out to the hallway to see that the movers were already here. "Hey sweetheart could you come down and help me and your mother? Start bringing down the boxes from your room." Your dad said to you. You nodded in agreement and walked back into your room.

You first grabbed your box with "FIGURINES" on it just because you knew that one was the most fragile and valuable. You walked down the stairs and out to the truck. The rain had lighting up to a very light mist, it felt amazing it was so pretty outside. "Can you be very careful with this box? It means a lot to me." you asked the moving guys politely. "Of course dear" the one moving guy said giving you a reassuring smile.

You rushed back upstairs to grab the rest of boxes. You grabbed the clothes/shoes one first because you knew that wasn't as heavy has the box filled with the books. Your dad started coming upstairs to help your carry things down just so you guys wouldn't keep the moving guys waiting. "Sweetheart which box do you want me to grab?" your dad asked. "The books one please, it's too heavy for me." you said smiling at him and walking down the stairs.

Not too long after you, your dad, and mom were carrying out the last thing in your room, your mattress. After you helped the moving guys get everything in the truck they took off. All 3 of you went back into the house. It felt so empty. There was so many memories inside this house. Some you'll never forget. "Come on we have to get moving." Your dad said turning starting to walk to the door. You and your mom exchanged sad looks, you especially didn't want to but it was for the best.

You pulled out your Nokia 3120 so you could text your best friend. "Hey we are just leaving now, do you wanna meet at the airport?" Sent just now. Not even a minute later you got a text back. "Of course!! Give me 5." You wanted to hug her before you left because you had no idea when you would be back or if you would even be back.

You arrived at the airport not too long after. You saw your best friend waiting for you. You ran up to her and hugged her with tears in your eyes. "I'm going to miss you so much. I don't wanna leave. I don't. But I have too. I love you so so much and will miss you very much, I'll text you everyday." You said crying into her shoulder. "I love you too, you best be going though looks like your parents want to get going." She said before you both pulled away from the hug. You both were crying you didn't want to leave but you had to. You smiled and waved goodbye to her with tears streaming down your face and with that you guys walked into the airport to catch your plane.

You sat in the airport for about 3-6 hours before your plane even arrived. Which is normal you didn't expect much more from an airport. Your plane number was called for boarding time, you and your parents stood up grabbing your luggage and heading toward the doorway to get on the plane. You felt sick your stomach was in a knot but you knew the feeling would go away after a while. Your seats were in middle class which didn't bother you any you were perfectly fine with it.

You sat down next to the window, your mom sat next to you, and your dad sat on the end. You all put your luggage in the area above you. "Pretzels, Water, Juice anyone?" a flight attendant asked. "Me I'll just take a water thank you" you said smiling at the flight attendant. "Here you go enjoy your flight!" the flight attendant said smiling at you.

You drank water sips at a time, you didn't want to drink it too quickly just because you didn't want to have to crawl over everyone just to go to the bathroom. You just sat and looked out the window until your heard a voice over the intercom. "Attention everyone this is your pilot, would everyone please put on your seatbelts for we are about to take off, thank you and enjoy your flight" and then the intercom turned off. You put your seatbelt and continued to look out the window until you felt to hands touch your hand you turned to see that it was just your mom and dad. You gave them the "hm?" look.

"Look we know you don't want to move but it's the best for the whole family we promise we will try to visit every 2-4 years, flights to France and then back to the UK aren't cheap. Just remember we are doing this just so we don't have to struggle as bad anymore even though I may be gone for work a bit more I will always still love and care for you a lot y/n. I promise." Your dad said kissing your hand. Your mom still held onto your hand. "I love you dad and mom" you said smiling and then turning to look out the window. Before you knew it you fell asleep peacefully.

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Word Count: 1,023 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now