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You awake to your alarm blaring. It was more of a sad day. Outside was cloudy and gloomy, looked like it was going to rain again. You got up out of bed and went over to your box filled with your clothes. You grabbed a tank top and jeans. You slipped them on and made your bed. You walked downstairs to see your mom and dad were up already and making breakfast.

"Hey sweetie! how did you sleep last night?" you dad asked cheerfully. "Eh, alright." you said rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. "Well school starts sometime this week just so you know, I think Wednesday? I'll have to check again, tomorrow me and your mom are gonna register you, would you like to come along to meet your teachers?" your dad asked while laying the plates on the table. "Yeah sure not like I have anything better to do" you shrugged pouring yourself a cup of coffee.

"Well today let's go to the mall so you can go back-to-school shopping!" your dad said smiling. "Alright are we going to be going after breakfast?" you asked yawning. "We can, it's up to your mom since she's not dressed yet." your dad said rolling his eyes. "Of course we can, we'll buy you anything you please." your mom said sitting down at the table.

Your dad put the pan of eggs on the table for everyone to just take from. You grabbed a few scoops. You also made some toast for yourself so you could have a bit more to eat. "Well I'm done so I'll go up and get dressed go and get in the car you two!" your mom said excusing herself and walking upstairs. Your dad gave you the "let's take our time" look knowing your mom would take a while to get ready.

After a few minutes your mom was done so you and your dad walked out to the car and rolled down the windows. and waited for her to get her shoes on and grab her shoes. You saw your mom walk out the door you sighed in relief, it took her years to just put on her shoes.

"Sorry it took so long!" your mom said shutting the passenger door. "It's alright mom" you said looking out the window. In the car your mom and dad talked so you kind of were just stuck with your own thoughts, which you didn't mind. You really wanted a boyfriend but you were very awkward, at your old school nobody really liked you but everyone loved your best friend. You really were desperate for a boyfriend it was going to be your Junior year in high school and you've only had playground boyfriends and not even your first kiss. It didn't matter you were okay with it since you wanted to focus on your studies anyways.

Finally. You guys just arrived at the mall which it took forever since your dad kept getting lost. Woah. It was huge. Well you didn't expect anything less since your town was decently big. "y/n what do you want to get first?" your mom asked. "Uh probably clothes then school stuff." you said giving a weak smile to your mom. "Okay well here's my wallet me and your dad are just gonna walk around, you have your phone on your right?" your mom asked cautiously. "Yes I do mom don't worry." you chuckled. "Okay well have fun!" your mom said. You jogged into the mall looking around. It was huge. It took away your breath. It was beautiful.

You first found a store called "Rue 21" you heard they had really cute clothes. You could of sworn you got lost like twice through your whole journey but you finally made it. You spent around an hour in there just shopping and browsing. You had both your arms full and walked up to the register. The lady rung everything up. "That will be $346.85, cash or card?" the teen said in a slightly annoyed tone. "Uh card." you said fumbling to get your moms card out of her wallet. "Would you like your receipt?" she asked. "No, no thank you" you said grabbing your bags. "Alright have a nice day." she said giving a weak smile. "Yea you too!" you said smiling at her. She gave a smile, like you made her day in a way.

Where do I want to go next? There's so many stores, should I get new shoes since these ones are getting worn- "Ow! Watch where you're walking you god damn idiot!" this teenage boy said. He had brown fluffy hair, he had a light grey muscle shirt on, some dark blue jeans, his skin was pale like he hadn't seen the light in ages. "Oh sorry sorry I didn't mean to run into you." you apologized. "Yeah okay. Watch where you're walking next time." he said picking himself up and walking away with his 3 friends. "God damn Michael you didn't need to be that mean to her!" one of his friends said. You picked yourself up and grabbed your phone to call your mom.

"Yes sweetie?" your mom said on the other line. "Where are you?" you asked. "Food court, where are you?" your mom asked. "On my way stay there" you said hanging up. You made your way over to the food court. As soon as you got there you saw the same guy you ran into. You guessed his name was Michael because one of his friends called him by that name. You wanted to apologize again but decided not to say anything and sat down.

"Hey could I talk to you?" you felt a warm hand on your shoulder you turned and saw it was Michael. "Uh yeah sure give me a minute mom and dad" you said standing up. "Hey I'm sorry about earlier I was in a bad mood, I'm glad that I found you because I felt bad immediately after.." Michael said looking back at the table his friends was sitting at, then hung his head. "But uh my name is Michael. What's yours?" he asked picking his head back up, and glancing at the table yet again. "Uh y/n, nice to meet you Michael and hey it's okay I wasn't hurt or anything I'm completely fine. Thank you for apologizing though it means a lot." you said nothing that Michael wasn't even listening and was looking at the table where his friends were the entire time. "Yeah yeah well I'll see you around." Michael said walking away. What a jerk. Saying that shit to me then giving me a pathetic apology. I knew his friends made him do it. Stupid boy.

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Word count: 1,132 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα