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You turn around to see the person that was following you was Michael. You wanted to ask him what the hell we was doing until he pinned you to the wall. "Listen here y/n, I'm gonna say this once and once only. I don't know what your problem is but you need to solve it and leave me the fuck alone. I don't know why you decide to go after me but you need to fix whatever this problem is you have." Michael said walking away dropping you to the floor. You were shaking really bad and just wanted to go home. You had no problem with Michael you were just you. You didn't know why he hated you so much. You were trying to fight back the tears forming in you eyes but you couldn't hold them back anymore. You sat in the bathroom mirror bawling. You soon heard banging on the door, you figured it was Zach. You opened the door and to your guess it was in fact Zach.

"Hey hey what's wrong? I was coming here to tell you that we were leaving then I heard crying coming from the bathroom, are you alright?" he said sitting down with you wrapping his arm around your shoulder. "Well..Michael..he pinned me against the wall..and told me to "fix my problem with him" when in reality I don't have a problem with him." you said trying to get yourself to calm down. "Hey it's alright Michael is just a jerk anyways don't worry about it. I mean do you see him having a girlfriend? No exactly. No girls want him because he's a complete jerk. So think of it this way, he's just a low-life fucker that likes to be a dick to girls thinking he's so badass but in reality he's just a jerk that nobody likes expect for his little minions." Zach said. That actually made you giggle a little bit helping you feel better. You got up off the floor and washed your face off with cold water. "Let's go" Zach said wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walking out of the bathroom.

"What happened??" your parents asked with concerned looks on their faces. "Oh nothing that's important at the moment." Zach said hoping they would get a hint and in his luck they did. They all walked out to the car silently not wanting to speak of what happened understandably. "So Zach so you want to go home or are you planning on staying over?' your dad asked trying to keep his eyes focused on the road. "It's not like there's anyone at home waiting for me so I'll just stay over if that's fine with you two." Zach said. "That's completely fine Zach, so you live alone?" your mom asked expecting that he lived with his parents or someone. "Yep I live alone, parents abandoned me a very young age let's just say I've kind of been by myself since then." he said not sounding very hurt or upset like someone normally would. "Oh well I'm glad you don't sound too upset or hurt by it. I would of guessed you would be more upset about the whole situation but I'm glad you're handling it well!" your mom said turning around and smiling at Zach.

You finally reached your house after what felt like hours but which was only roughly 30 minutes. "Well get comfortable Zach! Make sure you get to bed at a decent time since it is a school night! love you both!" your mom said smiling walking upstairs to her room. You and Zach just walked over to the living room and got comfortable. You turned on the TV and flipped through the channels but nothing caught your attention. "Hey do you just wanna go on a walk or something? It's only 4:27 so I mean it's not gonna hurt." you suggested. "Uh yeah sure don't we have to tell your parents or ask them or something?" Zach asked seeming very confused. "Nope I just have to text them what I'm doing and where I'm going so come on let's go!" you said holding the door open for Zach.

You had no idea where you two were walking to but you just texted your parents saying that you were going on a walk. "So, Michael.." Zach said soundly like he wanted to talk more about today or what happened? "Yea what about him?" you said seeming confused because it was so out of the blue for Zach to even mention Michael. "He's a nice guy I promise, his dad is really fucking crazy bro. His dead allegedly killed some kids. There was also rumors about Evan his little brother dying because he somehow killed him? So he's just a very angry person because..an incident did happen to where is little brother and sister aren't around anymore, and his mom is out of the picture so it's only him and his dad. Well and plus Henry but he's just Williams friend or in other words his co-worker because he and Henry own the restaurant.." Zach said just randomly but in some way you knew you needed to know this information. "Oh..how do you know all of this Zach?" you asked now very confused because how could he possibly know all of this? Like I mean that the rumors probably spread like wildfire but a few details not everyone would know about. "Uh him and I messed around a few years ago.." Zach said staring off into the distance. "Oh.." you were speechless. You really didn't know what to say. Michael doesn't seem like the type of guy to mess around with other guys. You know not assuming anything but he is always seen talking to girls and you've heard about all of his exes which were all girls. "Hey let's uh head back..it's getting pretty late don't you think?" Zach said, you looked at the time and it was 6:03. You and Zach walked back home in silence besides the sounds of cars.

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Word Count: 1,027 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now