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You awake to sun peering through your window and the sound of birds chirping. You sit up and look over to see the time, your alarm clock says 8:30 am. You peacefully finish stretching and get out of bed.

You walk over to your dresser and pick out a baggy shirt and some leggings. Today would probably just be a lazy day to kind of sit around and pack. You were kind of getting excited to move, even though you were completely against it at first since you knew your best friend would try to keep contact with you were starting to think it wouldn't be that bad overall.

You walk over to your little table where your record player sits and put on your favorite record (your favorite album). You loved listening to music it was kind of your escape from reality.

You danced around your room picking up things and putting them in the moving boxes. You finally were finished with packing up all your figurines, you decided to start on your book next since you had loads of books.

You find a medium sized box to put all the books in. You neatly start stacking the books in the left top corner of the box. After you finished one row you made another row right next to it.

Before you were even done packing the books the box got full, you only had a few stacks of books left so you found your mom and asked for a small box to put the rest in.

"Hi mom could I have a small box to put the rest of my books in?" You said standing in your moms bedroom doorway. "Of course hunny there's some more boxes out in the garage." Your mom said looking up smiling. "Alright thanks!" You said flashing a smile at your mom before walking downstairs out to the garage.

You walk into the garage and see a pile of boxes. You walk over to them and try to find a small sized box. After searching for about 2 minutes you found the perfect box. You slightly skip back into the house and up the stairs.

Before you start packing you walk over to your record player and change the record to another album that you really like (name of another album you like). After you change your record you go back to finish packing up your books. As soon as the small box gets filled you tape both boxes onto each other and put "BOOKS" in big black letters on the side.

You set the box filled with the books next to the boxes filled with your figurines. Your room looks so empty without your big shelf full of books. You've always loved books since you learned how to read. Since you loved reading so much you would always be the top of your class, everyone adored you or was jealous of your because you were better than them, which it didn't bother you.

"Hey sweetie me and your dad are gonna go downtown for a bit to get some food we'll be back in a bit ok?" Your mom said standing in your doorway. "Alright, could you guys get me a coke?" You asked turning around. "Of course we'll be back love you" Your mom said walking away shutting your door. You decided that you were going to take down all the pictures and posters off your wall. You had a whole wall dedicated to pictures of you and your best friend, then the next wall was filled with posters of your favorite bands, singers/artists, and favorite TV shows.

You carefully start taking down the pictures of you and her. You guys spent almost every minute together in summer or in school, you loved her deeply and didn't want to leave her but you knew she would be ok. She was pretty all the guys wanted to date her and all the girls wanted to be friends with her. You were more the lonely kid with one friend but very smart. You didn't mind it though you liked it that way. Girls did try and get answers from you here and there but you always just ignored them.

You next took down all the posters you had all over your walls, carefully without trying to rip them. You stuffed them in the box next to the pictures of you and your best friend. After you put them all in the box you taped it up and put "PICTURES/POSTERS" on the side. The only things left was your clothes, nightstand, dresser, TV,
and bed. You decided to quit for today since you were getting tired.

You turned off your record player and out your record away. You walked downstairs to find some food or something to eat. Right as you got into the kitchen your mom and dad got back, so you just waited till they got in the house because they probably brought home lunch. "We're home y/n!!" your dad said shouting walking into the house. "Oh. Never mind you're right there." he said turning to go into the kitchen where you were standing. "Here's your coke you asked for, and we also got you a snack because we knew you were gonna be hungry." he said handing you a pack of (your favorite snack). "Thank you!" you said hugging your dad. "Anytime sweet heart" he said kissing your head. You jogged back upstairs into your room, you slipped into your room and shut the door quietly behind you. You hopped onto your bed and turned on your TV to see what was on today. You flipped through the channels not finding anything interesting so you just decided to turn on your DVD player. You put in "Scream 2" into the DVD player. You heard rumors about "Scream 3" would be coming out next year.

You sat around and relaxed the rest of the day, when it came to dinner time your parents decided they wanted to go out to eat again but this time at your favorite fast food place "Dairy Queen." You just got a simple cheeseburger and nothing else besides what came with the meal. As soon as you guys got back home you quickly finished your ice cream so you could just hop in bed because your mom said that you guys would be taking the flight this weekend and have everything else shipped over there.

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Word Count: 1,086 words.

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now