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You wake up to see that it's 5 in the morning, you think of it as a blessing and curse. You could of woke up later and been late or could of slept a bit longer but decided to just get up and get ready.

You drowsily walk over to your dresser pick out an outfit for the day. You grab a black polo shirt, black skirt, black tights, and your black converse. You curled your hair to add more dimension to your flat straight hair. You texted Zach asking if he wanted to walk to school with you. He said sure so you texted him your address so he wouldn't get lost or go to the wrong house.

You started packing your book bag so you would be ready when Zach arrived. As soon as you put the last thing in your bag you heard a knock on the door and assumed it was Zach. You opened up the door to it being Zach. He was wearing his normal type style clothing which suited him well. "Ready to go slowpoke?" he said chuckling. "Yes I am idiot" you laughed. "Bye mom and dad! I'm heading off to school, love you!" you yelled upstairs shutting the door.

You and Zach heading to school planning on stopping and getting some food first. You guys stopped at a local gas station on the way. You grabbed a breakfast sandwich and a apple juice, Zach grabbed a breakfast sandwich and a orange juice. You both payed for it and continued on your guys's way. "Hey, just so you know if anyone is messing with you or lays a finger on you trying to hurt you, tell me, I'll beat their fucking ass." Zach said wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "I will Zach, I promise I will." you said smiling at Zach. "Please I'm being serious y/n I don't want anyone to hurt you, just because you're new here doesn't mean they get to push you around." Zach said in a more firm voice. "I will I will promise." you said in more of serious and calm tone.

"What section are you in?" Zach asked. "Pretty sure section C, if I remember right." you said questioning your response but you were sure that it was right. "Oh same! Most of our classes will be together so that's good!" Zach said excitedly. "Hey uh, do you know Michael? I don't know his last name.." you said getting kind of upset at the thought of seeing him. "Oh yeah Michael Afton? I know that fucking jerk. Why is he giving you a hard time? I'll beat his fucking ass if he is." Zach said getting angry. "Uh no no he's not..do you know which section he's in bye any chance..?" you asked wanting to cry. "Pretty sure he's in section C like us, we'll figure out more here in a minute." Zach said. "Oh.." you said wanting to turn around and run home.

"Hello! Are you f/n l/n? (first name + last name)" a middle age woman asked. "Uh yes that's me, why may I ask?" you asked confused and wondering where Zach went. "Well I'm going to be guiding you around the school since I've been informed you're a new student! Welcome, and let me take you to your locker." she said cheerfully and walked down the hallway. You followed her up a set of stairs and down a few hallways till you finally reached your locker. "Here's your locker and your schedule! Your section is C, here's a list of names of who's in your class." she said handing you a few sheets of paper. You read it and saw Zach's name but you also saw Michael's name... Your stomach dropped to the floor. "Well you best get headed to your first period class! Have any questions ask your peers, have an amazing day!" and with that she skipped away. You picked up your stuff and ran the other way as soon as you saw Michael coming your way, looks like his lockers right next to yours. Great.

You sat in your first period class next to Zach, waiting for the rest of the class to show up. You saw Michael walk in and he saw you. You two locked eye contact for a good 30 seconds to a minute. It sent chills down your spine and throughout your body. He sent directly in front of you. You wanted to smack that stupid fucking smirk off of his face. Words could not explain how much you hated him in this moment. The class ended and you ran off to your second period class.

Second period wasn't bad you had assigned seats so nobody had a say in where they sat, the only bad thing was you had sit by one of Michaels idiotic friends. Which I mean it was better than sitting by Michael so you weren't complaining. You just sat there tapping your foot and pencil hoping that this class would just end already. You rested your head on your hand and fell asleep. You awoke to Zach shaking you awake "y/n!! wake up!! class is over!!" He said shaking you awake. "Huh yeah I'm up" you said grabbing your stuff and walking to 3rd period not watching where you were going.

You were half awake, eyes getting harder to keep open, maybe I should wa- "ouch." a voice said, that's voice sounded all to familiar. While sitting up and rubbing your head you see that you ran into Michael again. All you wanted to do in that moment was disappear. "GOD FUCKING DAMN IT Y/N CAN YOU NOT WATCH WHERE YOU ARE FUCKING WALKING?! THIS IS THE SECOND FUCKING TIME. I'M DONE I'M BEATING YOUR FUCKING ASS." Michael screamed. You started bawling as he picked you up by the collar of your shirt and pinned you up against a locker. "MICHAEL PLEASE I DIDN'T MEAN IT" you begged. You were bawling. You hated school. "I don't fucking care y/n, I'm gonna teach you a lesson once and for all." He said forming a fist. Before he could even swing he got tackled by someone..

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Word count: 1,043 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now