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You stood in your new room admiring it and figuring out where you were going to put everything. Before you could get too comfortable your dad yelled from downstairs that the movers were here. You quickly dashed downstairs so you could help get everything into the living room and your room. First thing you and your dad grabbed was your stuff so it was up in your room and out of the way. You grabbed the posters/pictures and figurines boxes first while your dad grabbed the books box along with the stuff that goes on your nightstand and dresser.

You place everything in a corner of your room so you can then fit your mattress into your room. The movers helped you and your dad get your dresser, nightstand, and mattress up into your room. After the movers and your dad left your room you set your mattress in the place you wanted. It was under a window it the middle of your room. You slid your nightstand on the left side of your bed, so on the right side you could have your bookshelf.

You quickly grabbed your bedsheets out of your clothes box. You wanted to get your bed done so then you could have it ready for tonight. You quickly hopped onto your bed and started putting the sheets on, as soon as you laid on your bed suddenly your sheets closed on you trapping you in this cocoon type thing.  You struggled to get untangled from the sheets then you suddenly feel yourself falling off the bed still wrapped in the sheets. You tried to stand up but miserably failed to get up and fell yet again. You finally manage to get on your feet and untangled from the sheets. You then try to put the sheets back your bed but one corner keeps popping out, so you switch the corners around and it finally stays. You grab your pillows and throw them onto your bed along with your comforter, you would deal with that stuff later.

You wanted to do your nightstand next so you went and found the box with "DRESSER/NIGHTSTAND" on it. You grabbed your pocket knife out and cut that tape so you could open the box. You first grabbed the framed picture of you and your bestfriend and neatly set that on your nightstand. Next thing you grabbed was your alarm clock, you wanted to get that out of the way because it took forever to set the right time and set your alarm. After you were done setting the time on your alarm clock and your alarm you grabbed some books that you normally had on your nightstand. The last thing you grabbed was your phone charger you plugged that into the wall behind your nightstand.

You danced over to your boxes with "BOOKS" wrote on it. You picked up the boxes and put them in front of book shelf so you could quickly put them on your book shelf. You knelt down in front your book shelf grabbing the pocket knife so you could open up the small box full of books. You swiftly opened up the box of books, you placed the box to the left of you. First you grabbed a few books at a time and shoved them on the bottom shelf. You were going to start on the bottom shelf and work your way up to the top.

You grab the last book from the box and put it on the second to last shelf. You walk over and grab the other box and set it by the now empty box. You grab your pocket knife again and open the box and and put your pocket knife away. You kneel down in front of the book shelf and start putting on 2-3 books on the shelves at a time. You get finished putting the books on the shelf faster than you thought, but you were okay with that so you could have more time for yourself.

You call your dad up to your room to help you move your dresser to the right corner of your room instead of having it sit in the middle of your room. "One second sweetheart I'm helping your mom with something, I'll be up in a minute!" your dad yelled from downstairs. While your dad helped your mom you set up the corner where your record player would sit. You grab the little side table and set it in the left corner of your room, you walk downstairs to ask your parents to see if you could get a new record player tomorrow since yours was getting pretty old. "Hey mom, dad? Could I get a new record player tomorrow? My other one was getting pretty old and sometimes didn't even work." you asked nicely so you had more of a chance of your parents saying yes. "Sure sweetie you can get a new one, since your grades have been amazing lately." your mom said giving you a warm smile.

You thank your mom and ask your dad if he'll be able to come up and help you move your dresser. "I'm almost done sweetheart just give me a minute." You peacefully walked upstairs to your room then organizing your room so you and your dad didn't have anything in your way when moving your dresser. "Alright so where are we moving the dresser?" your dad asks walking into your room. "I was thinking we could move it into this corner." you said pointing to the right corner of your room. "Alright let's do it." your dad said standing on the left end of the dresser. You walk over to the right side of the dresser and help your dad pull it over to the corner. You didn't notice how fast the wall was approaching and you got trapped in between the wall and the dresser. "AHHH HELP I GOT STUCK!!" you squeal from in between the wall and the dresser.
"Climb over the dresser to get out, I can't help you much." your dad says walking over to you. "Okay I'll try." you say trying to pull yourself up and over the dresser, you somehow manage to get on top of the dresser and your dad helps you down from there.

"Here you go." your dad said setting you onto the ground, "Your mom said dinner should be ready here soon." your dad told you before he walked out of your room. You set the rest of your boxes off to the side you decided you were gonna do more unpacking tomorrow. "DINNER!!" your mom yelled from downstairs. You seen that your mom had made like a whole thanksgiving feast. Your mom was amazing at cooking unlike your dad he sucked, he couldn't even make ramen. You took a plate full of things and sat down at the table. You quickly ate everything since you wanted to get to bed early since you had church and stuff in the morning. "Done so soon?" your mom asked with a slightly worried tone. "Yeah I just want to get to bed early since I have a lot going on tomorrow." you said giving your mom a warm smile while walking over to the sink. "Oh alright!" your mom said smiling. "Goodnight sweetheart!" both your parents said while you walked upstairs to your room. You quickly slipped into your pajamas and into bed before you knew it you passed out.

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Word Count: 1,256 words.

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now