Valentine's Day Special!

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A/N: Hello! I would like to make a Valentine's day special where you just hang out with Michael as your valentine and Zach third-wheeling you two, no this is not aligning with the story line but the next chapter will be continuing on with the story like normal! I hope you enjoy reading and hope you have/had a wonderful day! <3
You spring out of bed noticing that it's Valentine's day! The other day you asked Michael to be your valentine and he said yes surprisingly, you thought he would already have one since all the girls and guys like him at school. You and him just started becoming friends a few weeks ago which was a step closer to a relationship.

You were going to go out to eat with Michael, Zach wanted to tag along so you said yes. You didn't care because he knew he was going to be third-wheeling so, his fault. You and Michael were like inseparable the whole day. You did feel bad for Zach since he didn't have a valentine but he seemed okay with it anyways.

You sat by Michael and Zach at lunch and just bullshitted the whole time. You talked about your birthday plans since it was going to be in 3 days and you were beyond excited that you were finally going to be 16! You were ecstatic to have your Sweet 16 party you've had plans your whole life for this moment and you couldn't believe it would finally come true.

You kept telling the both the whole day that your birthday was in 3 days and to say the least they were annoyed, I think beyond annoyed by the end of the day. You decided that Zach was going to come to your house and Michael was going to be picking you guys up from there. You guys went different ways because this was the only class you didn't have with the two.

You sat there bored out of your mind and tapped your pencil on the desk waiting for this class to be over so you could see Michael. Meanwhile Michael was getting antsy because he really wanted to see you, he sprung out of his chair as soon as the bell rang and ran to his next class just so he could see you. You giggled when he told you. You couldn't wait for this class to be over since it was your last class before the end of the day. You and Michael kept passing stupid little notes in class watching and making sure you wouldn't get caught by the teacher. This class the teacher was very very strict about phones, notes, anything.

The bell finally rang after what felt like a billion years. You sprinted to your locker just so you could rush home and get ready. Zach just decided to come over to your house right away instead of waiting till later. "Hey y/n wait up!" Zach screamed yelling behind you. Even though this fucker was just a bit taller than you he was still slow as fuck. You chuckled and slowed down.

You and Zach walked home to your house and he wanted to do your makeup and get you dressed and everything. He was amazing at makeup from what you seen so you said okay since you knew it was going to look good. You rushed home and took a quick shower, dried your hair, instead of air drying like you usually do. You walked into your room and told Zach to look in your closet and found a cute dress for you to wear tonight. You went back into the bathroom and slipped it on you asked Zach to zip you up, he helped with everything, your makeup, jewelry, hell he even helped picking out your shoes to wear. You didn't care he has good taste.

Around 5:23 pm you heard a knock on your door. Zach ran down to answer it and opened it to Michael waiting with a bouquet of flowers just for you. "She's coming one minute she needs to grab her bag." Zach said waiting by the door. You soon left your room, said goodbye to your parents and headed down the stairs where Michael and Zach were waiting for you. "Oh, wow. You look stunning y/n!" Michael said locking arms. "Why thank you Michael, you look pretty handsome tonight as well." you said giggling. You and Michael heard Zach verbally gag, you two chuckled and Zach reaction.

You and Michael sat up front while Zach sat in the backseat on his phone. You and Michael sat talking about their childhood, past etc. You arrived at the restaurant and walked in to a full house which didn't surprise you since it was Valentine's day. "Hello ma'am, where would you like to be seated?" a waiter asked you and Michael and seeing Zach standing behind you two. "Uh could we get a booth?" you asked linking arms with Michael. "Sure this way." he said leading over to a booth. All three of you sat down and looked at the menu. "What may I get you to drink?" he asked. "Uh Michael what do you want?" you asked. "Sprite would be fine." he said to the waiter. "And you ma'am?" the waiter asked. "Sprite, and Zach here will have a Dr. Pepper." you said giving the waiter a warm smile. "That will be out right away thank you." the waiter said walking away.

-Time Skip bc I'm lazy-

You finished eating waiting for the others to finish their food. You went on your phone to see a text from your best friend back home. She was just asking the normal and wished you a Happy Valentine's Day. You wished her one back and texted her for a while you waited for the two to finish eating. They finally finish eating and Zach goes to pay for the bill while you and Michael go out to the car.

You both sit in your seats and Michael pulls you in for a kiss. It catches you off guard but you soon just melt into the kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck and just kiss him until you break apart for air but continue to make out. You and Michael were too busy making out that you didn't even notice the car door opening. Zach came in the car nose into his phone. "Hey guys so I was think-" he looked up at saw you and Michael making out. "EW. GET A ROOM OH MY GOD." Zach said hiding his face in his arms. "Oh uh hi Zach didn't hear you get in..." Michael says pulling away from the kiss and rubbing his neck. You both laugh awkwardly and Michael starts the car.

"So Zach do you want me to drop you off first?" Michael asks. "Yes please" Zach says in the tone as he doesn't want to interrupt anything. "We'll be there in about 5 minutes so get your things rounded up" Michael says in a soft tone. You pull into Zach driveway. Zach gets out and you roll down your window to give Zach a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Have a nice night Zach, sleep well" you said kissing him on the cheek. "Will do" he said chuckling walking away. He turned around one last time to wave bye to you guys, before you pulled out of his driveway you waved goodbye back.

Michael placed his hand on the inside of your thigh. "Hey wanna go over to my place for a bit? I'll take you home later." He said turning so he faced me. "Uh yeah lemme text my mom that I'll be home later." you said pulling out your phone to text your mom. Michael lightly rubbed the inside of your thigh with his thumb. "You're really pretty y/n, you always have been since I first saw you in the mall.." Michael said his face visibly heating up. "Thank you Michael.." you said blushing. "I've always found you not too bad yourself" you said giving him a warm smile. "Why thanks" he said perking up. "My house is just down the street, let me take you out of the car okay?" he said in a more firm tone. "Okay okay I will" you said smiling.

Michael removed his hand from the inside of your thigh and got out of that car walking over to your side. He picked you up bridal style and took you to his front door. He carried you up the stairs and into his room. He threw you into the bed and pounced on top of you. You two started wrestling which ending up you loosing. You got comfortable in Michaels chest while he turned on a movie. He picked out a vampire type movie since he was really into vampire type things. You snuggled up to him letting him play with your hair and twirl it around his finger. You fell asleep without even knowing it. After the movie was over Michael picked you up again and took you out to the car. He drove you home again with his hand on the inside of your thigh. He would occasionally look over at you just so he could see your face. As soon as he turned into your driveway he helped you out of the car and walked you up to your front door. "I had fun tonight y/n, we should do this again." He said in a soft tone. "We should" you said smiling. Michael kissed you one last time before walking back to his car.

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A/N: Again this is not a part of the story more like a little special, I hope you enjoyed reading it I definitely enjoyed writing it!
Word count: 1,651 words

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