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It was pretty awkward the rest of the night but you managed. "Hey y/n just forget I said anything about me and Michael, okay please. I regret saying anything about it, let's just get some sleep because we have school in the morning. So goodnight." Zach said turning over and falling to sleep.

Time Skip

You woke up to the sound of breakfast being made and Zach being gone. You just slipped out of bed sleepily and walked downstairs. "Well good morning sleepy head!" Zach said from the kitchen. "Hey..where's my mom and dad? Plus what time is it?" you asked sitting down at the table rubbing the sleepiness from your eyes. "Well your mom and dad are off at work, and it's 8:09 am, so you have well over an hour till school starts." Zach said sliding the eggs and bacon onto a plate. "Oh, well I'm gonna eat, get dressed, then head to school, sound good with you Zach?" you asked since he was like your guest and ride to school. You only rode with Zach to school when you didn't feel like walking.

Mini Time Skip

You slipped on your shoes and walked downstairs. "Ready to go slowpoke?" Zach said laughing. "Yes and I didn't take that long!" you said sarcastically. You both walked out the door and down the block to Zach's house to get his car. You both threw your bags in the backseat while hopping in the front seats. You both didn't talk in the car ride, which wasn't bad because school was only a five minute drive from your house.

You hopped out of Zach's car and slowly walked into school. As soon as you walked in you spotted Michael and it looked like he was looking for you too? You really didn't want to deal with his bullshit this morning but you gave him a chance to talk. You also looked around him while he was approaching you to see that it was just him and not any of his dumb friends. "Hey y/n can we talk..?" Michael said rubbing his neck. "Sure, let's go outside or something." you said walking back out the doors you just came in from..

You both sat on the stairs on the side of the building. This is normally where kids would make out, get caught doing drugs, and get caught doing some other stuff.. "So what is it?" you asked hoping he would just get it over with. "Well about yesterday..I'm sorry I should of never flipped out on you. It's literally a public place I had no reason to flip out on you for being at my dad's restaurant. I guess lately I've been so stressed and then just you bumping into me when I'm just trying to get to class just pushed me over the edge. So y/n can we start over?" Michael asked extending his hand. You took up Michael's offer also extending your hand. Michael took a deep breath then said.

"Hi my names Michael what's yours?" he said giving you a warm smile. "Y/N, nice to meet you Michael." you said giving him a warm smile back. "I'm glad we're able to start over y/n but, I have to get to class and I think you have to also. See you around!" Michael said walking off smiling and waving at you. Maybe Michael wasn't so bad after all.. You walked into school to your first period. You sat next to Zach like you normally would. "And where were you?" Zach asked as you set down your stuff. "Somewhere." you said sitting down. "And where is this somewhere?" Zach said giving you the rock face. "I might tell you if you stop doing that ridiculous face." you said laughing. Zach stopped doing the face almost imminently. "I stopped sooo where was it and who? I know for damn well that you were with someone and weren't just by yourself." Zach said in a sassy tone. "Side stairs with Michael" you said facing the teacher. "WITH MICHAEL??? WHAT ARE YOU CRAZY??? DON'T YOU HATE HIM??" Zach said in a rather surprised tone. You were expecting little to no reaction from him. "Yes with him. Me and him talked and started over." you said turning back to the front ignoring what Zach was saying.

The bell for second period rang. You and Zach stood up as he continued bugging you about Michael. You just laughed at how nosey Zach could be. "PLEASEE JUST TELL ME" he said in an annoying baby voice. "What is there to say? Me and Michael just started over as being friends, such as acting like the past never happened. That's it theres nothing more to it." you said to Zach. You didn't know what he was expecting. You and Michael didn't talk about much. You tried not to get caught up in your thoughts because you may run into someone and you don't want that to happen. You spotted Michael down the hall walking towards his second period which you had with him. You smiled and waved which he did the same back. You really liked this new Michael knowing that you wouldn't have to worry about him yelling at you. "Who are you waving at??" Zach asked confused. "Michael." you said walking into the classroom. "Why him?" Zach asked. Here he goes again being nosey. "Because I can Zach." you said sitting in your normal spot. This time today Michael sat in front of you and Zach instead of sitting clear across the room like he usually would.

"Why the hell is he sitting in front of us??" Zach asked. You didn't know yourself so you decided to ignore Zach and try to focus in class. "Michael" Zach called out. Michael turned around. "Yeah?" he asked. "Why are you deciding today to sit in front of me and y/n instead of clear across the room?" Zach asked in a rather rude tone. "Because I can, got a problem with it?" Michael asked. You could almost feel the tension between the two. "Hey hey let's just sit down and focus in class. If he wants to sit in front of us he can, okay Zach? Just leave it be." you said rather pissed off kind of fed up with the both of them.

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Word Count: 1,068 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now