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You had awoken to see that you were still on the plane but only had a few hours left of the flight. You rubbed the sleepiness out of your eyes and lifted up your blind to look out the window. Your mom and dad were asleep peacefully, your mom rested her head on your dads shoulder. You loved your parents deeply. They were always very supportive of everything you did, they were also very supportive of everyone, such as the LGBTQ+. You always made sure both of them were okay and in good health. None of them would drink or smoke. Your dad would drink with his buddies sometimes but he wouldn't get black out drunk.

You stared out the window just looking down at the clouds. It was like you were in heaven. It was beautiful. It felt like only you were awake because the only other noises you heard was the planes engine and people snoring, which you were fine with if it came down to that.

You were kind of excited to move because your dad said when he gets a better job that means you'll get a new and better phone, which is really the only thing you want right now.

You were absolutely terrified to go to a new school because you knew how high school girls act because you are literally one. You expected them to be really bratty because they're from the UK so they more likely have loads of money.

Your family was more middle class, not rich but not poor. You were okay with that though, you weren't like the other teenagers constantly needing money or something brand new each day, you asked for things every few months.

You sat there and wondered if there was gonna be any cute boys there. You've never had a boyfriend before. You've had your first kiss it was a dare at a birthday party so I don't know if you would count that. You desperately wanted a boyfriend but were always to scared to ask someone that you liked out or there was never anyone cute were you lived.

You looked over to see your mom rubbing the sleepiness out of her eyes so she could wake up. "Hi sweetie, how long have you been up for?" your mom asked yawing. "About 2 hours, not that long." you said shrugging your shoulders. "Well we have around an hour left, thankfully. I thought this flight would never end!" your mom chuckled. It made you laugh a little too. "Well let me wake up your dad so he'll be up and ready for when the plane lands." your mom said turning to your dad to shake him awake.

"Get up, we're almost here." your mom said trying to shake your dad awake. Your dad finally woke up after like the 3rd shake. "Finally. The plane is gonna land here in about an hour, or less now." your mom said to your dad. You just turned to look out the window again. You were starting to get the knot in your stomach again.

That's when everything hit. You wanted to cry but you couldn't. Nothing was coming out. You just felt like throwing up, or you felt the need to get up and walk around, but you of course couldn't because you were still on the plane.

Your leg started bouncing like crazy and your were a shaking mess. Your mom took notice. "Sweetie? Are you okay?" your mom said with a concerned and confused tone. "I don't want to move. Not this far!" you said. Then came the tears. "Hey hey calm down it's okay, I promise you won't want to move at first but then it will be okay sweetheart? Me and your mom promise. We will make sure you have everything you need at all times, we are always here to talk and comfort you with anything we love you okay." your dad said leaning over your mom to grab your hand so he could hold it.

"Hello everyone! This is your captain again, we are going to be landing here in a few please stay seated until the plane is safely landed." the pilot said over the intercom. You quickly dried off all your tears. "Everything's going to be ok darling." your mom said kissing your head.

You couldn't remember the rest of flight, its all blur till this day. Next thing you knew you were at the airport. A few flight attendants helped you and your dad get your luggage. Your dad had your car shipped over her from the airport in France. You got self conscious all of a sudden because you had a heavy French accent and the rest of your family had a light accent was very fluent with English. You knew lots of English you just weren't fluent with it. Your parents reassured you many times that's it was going to be okay. You hated your accent but loads of people loved it.

You helped your dad put all of your guys's luggage in the back of the car so you could drive to the new house. You lived in Brighton, England now. That felt weird to say but you knew you would get used to it after a few months.

The car ride was fairly long, or at least thats what it felt like. You were soon sitting in front of a beautiful two story house. It was a dark smokey grey. "Me and y/n are going to get the bags go into the house the moving people should be here either tomorrow or possibly today" your dad shouted at your mother whom was already walking to the front door.

You walked in and the kitchen was to your left and living room to your right, your explored the bottom floor there a few guest rooms, storage rooms, and bathrooms. You walked upstairs to find your room. You walked down the hallway and found the perfect room for you. "I want this one!" you yelled from upstairs. Your dad came up to see which room you picked, this room was bigger than your old one by a lot, there was also like a walk-in closet and everything. "Alright sweetheart you can have this one, the movers called and they said they should be here within the next hour so just get comfortable." your dad said patting you on the head and walking out.

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Word Count: 1,082 words

A Change of Events - Michael Afton x Fem ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now