Chapter Six

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"I love you, too"

I replayed the words over and over again in my head. I love you, too. This couldn't be happening, it was too good to be true. But it was, and my heart was racing as I stared deeply into his eyes, no doubt blushing like crazy. He smirked as I bit my lip, desperate to say something but completely speechless. As his hand came to rest on my cheek, I felt the immediate warmth that made me safe and at home, as if I belonged in his arms. He stepped towards me until our faces were inches apart and I could feel the heat of his breath wafting over my lips, making my blush deepen more than I ever thought it could.

"I've never met someone quite like you. You are beautiful and smart and so brave. Only a fool or a blind man would say that you are anything short of perfection. It marvels me that I am so lucky to be loved by you." He spoke softly while staring into my eyes with his clear blue ones, rubbing circles on my cheek with his thumb. His face was so close that I could tip my head up slightly and press my lips to his.

So I did.

It was a gentle kiss, just a touch of lips, until he started moving his against mine, pressing against me harder. He stepped even closer, every inch of our body touching, and put his other hand on the back of my neck to deepen the kiss further. I could feel my heart racing as his hand started to explore my body. Before he could go any further, I broke away from the kiss. He looked at me with confusion in his eyes.

"We've only just met, I want to take this slow."

"O-of course, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," his composure seemed to crumble a bit as he spoke.

"It's alright, don't worry," I reassured him.

He rubbed his thumb against my cheek and stared deep into my eyes.

"You look so tired. Would you like to go home with me and get some real food and rest?"

I looked at my mother and considered it.

"I really should stay and keep an eye on her..."

"As much as I hate to say it, she's not going anywhere."

I considered it for another moment before giving in. "Alright, sure. What are we getting for food?"

"McDonald's sound good?"

"Is that your idea of real food?" I laughed.

"Well it's better than M&M's, isn't it?"

"Yah, I guess so."

"McDonald's it is. Can I see your phone?"

"Sure," I handed him my phone and he unlocked it, scrolling through my music. Settling on a song, he took my earbuds and handed me one. I put it in and began listening to the song. He took my hand and led me out of the hospital. As we approached the parking lot, I spotted a black Camaro, one of the few cars left in the lot.

Peter sang along to the lyrics with an amazing voice. He wrapped his arm around me as we walked down the hall, toward the entrance.

I was never one for pretenders

Everything I tried to be

Just wouldn't settle in.

I joined in as we approached the entrance. As we walked out, Peter fished a set of keys out of his pocket.

If I told you what I was

Would you turn your back on me?

And if I seemed dangerous 

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