Chapter Four

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DISCLAIMER: MTV is the respective owner(s) of Teen Wolf. I am only borrowing their characters for non-profitable entertainment purposes ONLY.

Well , I know I just updated but I've had this written for a while so I'm just going to put it up now. Enjoy!

"Peter, where are we going?"

"You will see when we get there," the man replied simply without looking at me. We had been walking in the woods for an hour now and it was getting cold.

We approached a large burnt house that I remembered was the Hale House.

"What are we doing here?"

"I'm going to show you my world." Okay, weird. We kept walking until we were on the porch.

Peter suddenly stopped and looked at me. He motioned for me to enter the house and I opened it with a creek and stepped inside. The house was large and smelled of burnt wood and must.

"It used to be so beautiful," I jumped as I heard Peter speak from right behind me. I wasn't used to him being able to walk without making a sound.

"I can only imagine," I trailed off as I looked him and gasped.

His eyes were brilliant red and he had sharp claws. He smiled smugly, revealing long, sharp fangs. He reached up and cupped my face, his claws dangerously close to my eyes.

"So beautiful, such a waste," he said as he pulled on my head and bared my neck. "You know too much, therefore you must die. Can't have you telling people my secret, now can we?"

"I wont tell anyone, I promise," I said, my heart racing. Is he really going to kill me?

"I wish I could believe you, I really do, but I cant afford to risk it," he said and opened his mouth wider than any human could. I screamed as his fangs closed around my neck.

I woke with a start, my heart racing faster than it ever had. It was just a dream. Peter didn't kill me, I'm still alive. I looked over to see mom still comatose. I turned to my right to see Peter in the chair next to me. He looked like he had been sleeping. I must have woken him up when I woke.

"What's wrong?" he asked, sounding concerned, "Are you alright?"

"Yah, I'm fine. I just had a nightmare. Were you sleeping?"

"It seems I was. I came in and saw you were asleep and decided it was best not to wake you. I must have fallen asleep while waiting for you to wake," Peter explained.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," I said, feeling bad.

"Don't worry about it. What was your nightmare about?"

Oh shit. I could lie or I could tell him the truth and risk him actually killing me. I decided it was better to lie, even though he would probably hear my heartbeat.

"Nothing," I said quickly. From the face he gave me, I knew he had heard my heart. Shit.

He nodded and I knew he accepted that I didn't know or trust him enough to tell him. I released a breath that I didn't realize I was holding. I was in the clear. For now.

I hope you enjoyed! If you guys have any ideas for future updates make sure to comment! Please vote! Thanks guys!

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