Chapter Eight

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After slow dancing for at least an hour, Peter and I finally went for a walk. We held hands and talked about our interests as we walked through the dense woods. After a while, we approached a ledge that overlooked all of Beacon Hills.

"It's beautiful, Peter."

"I know." I looked over to him only to see that he was looking at me.

"You're not even looking at the view," I said with a laugh.

"I wasn't talking about the view," he whispered.

"Oh," I said while looking into his eyes. He leaned over and kissed me chastely.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go for it," he replied.

"What was Derek talking about? What did you do that was so bad?" Peter gave me a grim look and turned his head away from me.

"Your opinion of me will change if you know."

"My opinion of you will never change; I love you."

"How about this, if my alpha powers ever get taken away, I'll tell you," he reasoned.

"Pinky promise?" I asked, offering my pinky.

"Pinky promise," he laughed and shook my pinky with his. I leaned my head on his shoulder and nuzzled into his neck.

"I love you, too, by the way." I smiled to myself as he kissed my forehead.

Behind me, I heard a loud pop and felt a blossom of pain in my shoulder. I looked at my shoulder to see a circle of red surrounding the spot. Peter looked at me with confusion and fear in his eyes before looking behind me. I heard him roar and turn, and I fell against him as time seemed to slow. His blood red eyes connected with mine and he leaned down next to me. I took the hint and struggled to climb on top of his back. My vision went in and out of focus as the world blurred around me. I could barely make out Dr. Deaton next to me and Peter yelling to him to help me. I could feel his tears on my shirt as well as the warm, coppery liquid. I heard him yell, "No, stay with me, Lilly!" before my vision went completely dark and the world around me was lost.

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