Chapter 18

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I awoke to the the sound of people talking. I quickly recognized the voices as Derek, Peter and my mom. They were explaining werewolves and fallen angels to her and I could tell by he voice that she didn't believe them. Then I heard a growl and my mom gasp; one of the two werewolves must have shown her their powers. I opened my eyes and Peter was instantly by my side.

"Hey,love," I whispered to him. He smiled his gorgeous smile at me and whispered a soft 'hey' while squeezing my hand. I looked over to my mom and saw he staring at us with a confused and slightly disapproving look on her face.

"Mom!"I yelled, despite my throat burning, and she ran over to me with abroad smile on her face. She engulfed me in a tight hug and I noticed that Peter had let go of my hand and was now standing by Derek. He had a sad look on his face but I disregarded it for the moment. I felt warmth on my shoulder and realized that my mother was crying. I hugged her tighter and whispered, "I'm right here, everything is alright now." She let go and looked into my eyes.

"I'm so glad you're alright, mom."

"Me too. But honey, I'm still... injured. I need to go back to the hospital and get help. Me and Peter have already discussed your living arrangements for while I'm gone. He said he'll stay with you at home until he can get an apartment," she explained with a pained voice.

"O-okay,"I spoke with a shaky voice, a tear escaping and rolling down my cheek. I blinked and Peter was next to me, wiping the sadness away. I didn't want her to leave me again, I wanted her to stay.

"What if Decualion gets her again?" I spoke to Peter.

"I'm...I'm going to have to contact Chris. I just hope that he will accept our peace offer for now and protect your mother. No, I know that he will. Derek, call him." Derek took out his phone and dialed Chris'number. Peter turned to my mother, "We'll drive you back to the hospital."

"Thank you," mom replied. Peter walked ahead of us so that we could talk for a moment.

"So are you two..." she trailed off.

"We're soul mates. Literally. Deaton said that all angels have a soul mate and that Peter is mine," I explained.

"I can't say that I approve, but you're almost 18 now, you can make your own life choices. He seems like a nice man and I'm... glad that he'sin your life."

"Thank you. We should probably catch up with him." 

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