Chapter Eleven

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"So my wings just kinda sit in my back?"' I asked as Deaton explained my powers and how to retract my wings.

"Yes, much like a werewolf's powers, it'll take time to learn to control and it won't be easy. Your powers go much farther than just sprouting wings and having white eyes. You can fly, which will be exceptionally hard to learn. You can also smite demons and evil creatures alike and sense when other angels are near. You have superhuman strength, telekenisis, invisibility, sedation, telepathy, teleportation, and other, more complicated powers," Deaton explained.


"Yes, but you must use your powers wisely and only when extremely necessary. You are a fallen angel, one that fell from heaven for committing a crime, meaning that if you become too known, there is a risk that other creatures may come for you, including other angels. Angels are a force to be reckoned with and will easily defeat you, especially since you do not know how to use your powers yet. You must be careful."

"I will. I promise," I spoke. "Oh crap, we have to meet Stiles! We'd better go, Peter."

"One more thing, Lilly. All angels have a soul mate, fallen or not. The soul mate can be a fellow angel, a human, or in some cases," he looked to Peter, "a werewolf." Peter looked at me with a fond smile.

"So, Peter is my soul mate? Is that why it felt electric when he touched my wings?"

"Yes. You can tell what kind of person someone by the way your wings feel when touched by them. Oh, and here's your shirt back," he said and threw me my blood-stained shirt.

"Sweet, thanks. We really have to go now. Thank you for all you help!" I said and grabbed Peter's hand and led him out to his car. When we were in and on our way, I called Stiles and explained our situation.

"You're an angel?" Stiles asked in an incredulous voice.

"Yep," I replied.

"If you say so..." he said but I could tell he didn't believe me.

"I'll show you when we get there."


"Yah, me and Peter."

"... Alright, see you then," he said and hung up.

A/N I'm using Supernatural as my angel reference. I do not have any religious views and would appreciate it if you kept yours to yourself. Please remember to respect others' beliefs and keep and open mind!

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