Chapter Two

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DISCLAIMER: MTV is the respective owner(s) of Teen Wolf. I am only borrowing their characters for non-profitable entertainment purposes ONLY.

I woke up on a hospital bed in a dark room. I waited as my eyes adjusted to the darkness and saw a door. I swore as I banged my leg on something and walked to the door, hoping it wasn't locked.

When the door opened, I released a breath I didn't know I was holding. I stepped out into the hallway and tried to figure out where I was and felt another pain in my arm. I heard a loud shattering sound that sounded like breaking glass. I turned left towards where I heard the sound and walked into a long hallway. More banging sounds were coming from somewhere ahead. I turned left again and my jaw dropped. The half-burnt man was beating on a man who couldn't be more than 25.

"Lilly?!" I heard a familiar voice call.

"Stiles!" I yelled as I saw Stiles hiding behind a table. I walked over to him, my sneakers crunching on broken glass. I sat down next to him and asked, "what the hell is going on?!"

"I can't explain now. What the hell are you doing here?!"

"I was with my mom! I went to get food and ran into him," I explained and pointed at the half-burnt man. "He had red eyes and claws and fangs. I must have fainted because I woke up in a strange room and heard glass breaking. I followed the noise and found this," I said as I gestured to the fight.

"What are they?" I asked even though I already knew.

"Werewolves," he said simply. "Listen to me, you need to leave, now. Right now. you need to get out of this hospital and get home as fast as you can!"

the fighting suddenly stopped and I heard footsteps coming towards me.

"I would really appreciate it if you stayed," said a voice behind me.

I turned quickly to see the half-burnt man standing behind me. Only he wasn't half burnt anymore. His face was normal and to be totally honest, he was extremely hot. My heart fluttered and he grinned smugly. I realized that he must be able to hear my heart beat. I was always fascinated by the paranormal, so I knew a lot about werewolves. Super speed, hearing, smell, and reflexes. I knew that wolfsbane made them turn and I knew that they were captives to the full moon.

"I'm glad that you're okay," he said. I realized that I'd been staring at his face (which was kind of beautiful) and quickly turned my gaze to look at a man behind the not-so-burnt man. I recognized him to be Derek Hale.

"Who are you?" I asked looking back to the not-so-burnt man.

"Peter Hale," he replied like it was obvious, "and you, my dear, must be Lilly."

My heart skipped a beat as he said my name. "What happened to me?"

"Well, you fell on your arm and passed out. My assistant, who Derek so nicely knocked out, brought you to a spare room and gave you pain killers. I'm surprised you woke so soon, you seemed exhausted," he replied softly.

"I-I am. Ex-exhausted, I mean. what time is it?"

"Quarter after two," I heard Stiles reply.

My heart started racing and I tensed up as I started panicking. What if my mom woke up while I was out? I needed to find her right now. Peter gave me curious look and I remembered that he could hear my heart beating.

"I-I need to get back to my moms room. Like right now," I said quickly.

"You're mother isn't awake, Lilly," I heard Peter say softly, "I've already checked."

I was both relieved and sad at the same time. What if she never wakes up? What is she dies? She is the only family I have left. She can't die! But what if she does? I felt a single tear fall down my cheek and I wiped it away quickly as I looked up at Peter.

"Derek, bring Stiles home," I heard Peter say.

"What are you going to do to her?" Derek asked accusingly.

"I certainly hope you're not insinuating that I would ever hurt someone so fragile?" he said while turning his gaze upon me. My cheeks burned red and my heart skipped a beat. Right at that precise moment, I saw a smirk spread across Peter's face and a scowl form on Derek's. Remembering how werewolves had super hearing, I realized that both of them had to have heard my heartbeat speed up and knew what it meant. I blushed even more. "Something that you obviously had no blatant regard for when you decided to hit my nurse in the face, isn't that right?" Peter added.

Derek quickly walked over to Stiles and pulled him to his feet. He pulled Stiles to the door and left without a word.

This is my first story so please comment and vote! I'm still getting used to this site so please be gentle!

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