Chapter 17

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         Behind Deucalion, a man and a woman lunged towards me, claws out and eyes blood red. Deucalion stayed in place, crossing his arms and smirking as if to say 'I'd like to see you try and win this fight'. I stuck out my left wing at the last minute, clotheslining the man. He fell to the ground, clutching his neck. The woman punched me in the jaw and I felt a crack. She stood next to me, watching as I snapped my broken jaw back into place. I smirked and calmly walked towards her,my wings high above my back. I grabbed her shoulders, flipping her over my back and leaned over her, punching her repeatedly, all in one motion. The man must have recovered because I felt a pinch in my neck and I fell to my knees. I looked behind me and saw the man holding a needle through blurred vision. I looked to Deucalion, expecting him to approach or attack me but he just stood there smirking. Darkness took over my vision as I heard a roar behind me. The next thing I knew, I was being carried out of a warehouse in strong arms.

"Peter?" I whispered, my throat burning as I spoke.

"I have you, my love. Everything is gonna be alright," he said and I felt him kiss my forehead as the darkness took over.

I'm sorry this chapter took so long and is so short. Next chapter coming soon (If not today)!

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