The Meeting

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I jolted from my sleep when Mama by My Chemical Romance began to play in my ears. I groaned when the bright morning light shined in on me and I pulled out one of my earbuds and sat up in bed. My sheets fell off my shoulders and pooled onto my lap as I looked around my room in confusion. My hair was matted from sleeping with it up in the braid, pieces of dried moss falling down and resting in my lap. My face felt oily and gross as I blinked at the sunlight blinding me.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes; last night memories ran through my mind. Dancing with strangers, playing for an audience, Red Death arriving and pointing a sword at my heart. Dragging me down to the catacombs where we had an argument, yet became so close to each other that I could see the stubble on his chin and where I was certain that he could hear my heart pounding in my chest.

Then I was harshly reminded that Erik will never stop loving Christine and learned that I really might never go home again.

I shook my head from the memories and stood up from my bed, tiptoeing over to my small bathroom with my MP3 player in my hand and music blaring in my ears. I hummed to the music and set the device on the small counter, grabbing a washcloth. I quickly washed my face, de-tangled my hair and left it loose, then walked over to my closet. Opening the door I immediately stopped humming once I spied the green ball gown from the masquerade last night. I sight softly at the memories of dancing and playing ran through my mind, running my hand over the lace before I pushed the gown aside and grabbed a light blue dress, with long sleeves and my brown, leather boots which were covered in dust and paint from working up in the rafters as well as thick, wool socks underneath them. The month of January finally arriving also meant a cold winter as well as a cold Opera House. I wasn't very keen on catching another cold so I was doing what I could to keep warm.

"Oh, how I do miss heating and air conditioning," I whispered to myself as I placed all of my clothes on my bed, slipping out of my nightgown.

Once I had slipped my clothes and shoes I walked over to my bed to turn off my MP3 player and put it away when a sudden knock sounded at my door.

"One moment!" I called out, quickly shutting off the device and shoving it into the back of the drawer of my nightstand. Walking over to the door I twisted the handle and opened it, finding Madame Giry standing at the door, her cane in hand as usual.

"Good morning, Madame Giry," I smiled.

She nodded, "And to you, Scarlet. The managers have called an important meeting and they wish for you to be there so they have sent me to fetch you. It's being held in the theater."

I clasped my hands together in front of me, quite shocked that the managers would want me, "O-Of course," I stuttered, "I'll be down right away. I just need to-"

Madame Giry held up her hand to stop me then looked me up and down, "You look ready enough. Walk with me."

I blinked and nodded, Giry stood waiting as I turned and gathered my key before I closed and locked the door behind me, the two of us beginning to make our way downstairs.

As if on cue Madame Giry turned to me, "What happened with you two last night?" she asked, almost sternly yet at the same time curious, "After he took you into the mirror room?"

I almost rolled my eyes yet refrained myself, "Nothing happened between us," a lie of course, but I wasn't about to tell Giry what really happened and get thrown out of the Opera Populaire for it, "So you don't need to lie awake at night worrying about it, alright? He just took me to make a statement."

Giry bristled, "You don't need to take that tone with me young lady. I'm not your enemy here. I'm just looking out for the safety of you, Erik, and this Opera House."

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