Chapter 1 Midnight Stroll

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Life on the streets is very hard and dangerous if your not careful. I wonder what's gonna happened to night. More fight? I hope not, Zoe thought as she walks down a barely lit street. With her hood up, she minds her own business. She turns down a alley that leads her "home". As she's walking she could hear a faint scream. Freezing in her tracks, she turns and lowers her hood, waiting. . . listening. . . breathing as slow as she could. She hears the scream again, it's coming from the right of her. Instantly she dashes off towards the sound. As she's running towards the sound, she could see a gang- ruffly about six to eight men surrounding a young lady, about a few years older than Zoe. Zoe slows down and hides behind a dumpster, looking at the gang.

What are they doing? Zoe thought peering out from behind the dumpster. After a minute of looking at them, Zoe gets up and walks quietly towards the gang. Standing behind them, she puts on a mask to hide her nervousness.

"Has your mothers ever told you to never mess with a lady in an dark alleyway." Zoe spoke

The whole gang turned and faced her. One of the men spoke "You better get lost while you still have chance pretty girl, or we might have to hurt you." He turns back to the scared young lady.

Like I ever. Zoe smirks. You've just made a big mistake. Never turn your back towards me.

"Okay," Zoe said, "Let me get his straight." Her voice became deep, "Leave the girl alone or you'll be sorry."

The same guy turns back around and growles in frustration "You think you can beat us?" He burst out laughing "Look here little girl, there's six of us and one of you."

"Doesn't mean I can kick you skinny white pervert asses." Zoe said.

The guy sets his jaw, "Well in that case, let's see who'll win." He pulls out a knife and grins like a maniac.

"We shall see." Zoe puts her hands up, smirking this is going to be easy. The guy lunges at Zoe with the knife in hand. Zoe blocks the first blow, then grabs the guys arm and body slams to the ground, twisting his arm out of socket. He screams in pain and yells at the other guys to kill Zoe. Zoe looks up and grins from ear to ear. Five other men came charging towards her, weapons in hand. Dodging one man, she throws a blow to the second guys, knocking him off his feet. Zoe looks up in time to block a punch coming for her head. She grabs the guys hand and pulls him closer and punches him in the nose, breaking it. Blood poured down his face as he cries in pain.

Zoe moves on to the next gang member, kicking him in the head. As Zoe is fighting, she felt a searing pain in her left arm. She pulls back and looks at her arm. Blood seeps her hoodie, that bitch ruined my favorite hoodie. She looks up at the last two men and glares at them. They flinched at Zoe's glare. Zoe, now full of anger, appears in front of them and grabs their faces and slammed them into the ground.

When Zoe looks up all the gang members were on the ground, knocked out. She stands up and takes a deep breath and walks up to the scared young lady.

"No!" She cries out "Don't touch me!"

"I'm not going to hurt you ma'am." Zoe said. "I just want to make sure your not hurt."

"I'm fine." She said trembling.

"You shouldn't be out here at this time of night by yourself." Zoe said, "Here, let me walk you home." She holds out her hand, the young lady hesitates, but grabs Zoe's hand. As they leave the alley behind, Zoe walks the lady home, looking around her to make sure that they weren't being followed. After a while of silence the lady spoke up.

"Thank you for saving me back there." She said.

"Its nothing." Zoe replied.

"May I ask why you saved me?" She said a little while later.

"Because a young lady like you, shouldn't be out here at this time of night, all by herself without anything to protect herself." Zoe said.

She falls silent. They walked in silence the rest of the way to her house. When the arrived, the lady thanked her once again and headed inside.

A long walk later Zoe walked into her house, a abandoned wearhouse. She heads to her bed and lays there, lost in thought. To tired to do anything she drifts into sleep.

I Fell For A Mafia Boss (On Hold)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant