Chapter Fifthteen- Changes

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Alcina, Alcina I'm sorry. Zoe thought as she painfully woke up. As she sat up, the image of Alcina's flashes before her eyes. Tears swelled up, as she sobbed. "No!, No, no no....." She yelled pounding the ground. She continued to punch and yell on the top of her lungs. Eventually she fell fell asleep.

After a couple days Zoe woke up and got to her feet, just barely. Clutching to her abdomen, she made her way out of the cave. Stepping out into the light, Zoe blinked shading her eyes. The view was breathless. She was on top of a mountain that over looked the valley. Just below that was her town, looking so small. As she looked out, she saw the Dimitrescu Castle and her heart aches with pain.

Looks like I can't go back there. Nor can I go looking for my family. I guess I need to change. Everything. Zoe thought inhaling slowly.

For the next few weeks Zoe focused on healing and getting stronger. She rested when she could, got up and walked around when she wasn't tired. Each day she got stronger and stronger. She kept pushing herself to do her best, her finest.


Making her way down to the valley, Zoe made sure she wasn't seen by anyone. She takes to the sky and flew to her old home. The underworld. Landing behind a warehouse, she folds in her wings and walked down the very poorly lit streets. As she was walking, someone bumped into her. Zoe tenses at the touch.

"Hey watch it." The guy said snapping at Zoe. When Zoe didn't answer, he got mad. "Hey I'm talking to you." He reaches out to grab her but Zoe was faster.

She grabs his face, looking up at him, glaring with glowing deep purple eyes. "Don't you dare touch me, you filthy animal."

The guy flinches, eyes widen in fear. He pulls back and dashes off, running as fast as his feet could let him. Zoe's lips twitched as she continues walking don't the street. God, it's good to be back. She turns down an alleyway, that lead to her home.

Standing in the doorway, Zoe inhaled the familiar scent. She takes a step forward, looking around. Everything is still how she left it when she went with the Mafia. She makes her way to her bed and collapses onto it, falling asleep.

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