Chapter Eight- Mother Miranda

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Zoe bolted up in bed, inhaling sharply, Oh my god, Zoe looks around to find herself in her room. How?- Raye! Mark! She flings the blanket off of her and dashes out of her room. Running out her room, she dashes to Raye's room. When she got to his room, it was empty. Oh shit, panic sets in and she heads off to Marks room. It was also empty. Running down the hall, she reached the balcony that over looks the front door. With out even thinking she yeets herself off, landing on the balls of her feet, then dashes off to the living room. Zoe burst opened the door, then froze when she saw Lady Dimitrescu, another woman she seen before she blacked out and the rest of the mafia group sitting by the fire place except for Raye and Mark.

Zoe walked in and stood in front of Lady Dimitrescu "Where's Raye and Mark?"

Lady Dimitrescu smiles faintly "Their resting."

Zoe Stares at her boss. "Where?"

"In the nurses room." Lady Dimitrescu replied. "Once they healed they'll deal with the consequences of failing my orders."

Zoe looked at her boss in shock. "You can't do that! It wasn't their fault."

"Silence child." The other lady said.

Zoe turned and glared at her, eyes filled with rage, glowing deep purple, "Fuck off." She said then faced her boss. Everyone in the room flinched and backed up. Even Lady Dimitrescu was in shock.

"Excuse ME!" the lady raised her voice, "What did you just say to me?!"

Zoe turned and face the lady. "I said 'Fuck off'"

She stood up and snapped her wings "Do you have any idea who I am?"

Zoe growled, "No and I don't care."

The lady spoke, "The name is Miranda, Mother Miranda." She said as she spread her wings out. "And for your information, you are to obey me."

Zoe scowled at Mother Miranda, "I obey no one Lady Dimitrescu." Drawing her claws, she appears behind Mother Miranda, placing her razor sharp claws on her neck, leaning by her ear and spoke in a raspy voice, "You may have all the power in the world, but I got something you don't have. So never under estimate me." Zoe pulls back and appears in front of Lady Dimitrescu.

Mother Miranda flared her nose "Everyone OUT, now!" She roared. One by one, everyone left the room, even Zoe. When Zoe turned around the door slammed in her face. Zoe stood there, smiling smugly, like locking me out will keep me out. She disappears into black smoke and re-appears back in the living room, up in the corner. She squats, watching Lady Dimitrescu and Mother Miranda bicker with each other.

"You need to get that pet under control." Mother Miranda said strongly.

"Zoe, is not a pet." Lady Dimitrescu sneered, "She's a member of my Mafia and she's very useful to me."

"And you let her do what ever?" Mother Miranda asked. "You let her speak to me like that? You should've put her in her place. Let her know who's in charge."

"You heard her, she doesn't care whether your the boss or a powerful person, she doesn't listen to anyone but me." Lady Dimitrescu replied back.

Mother Miranda flared her arms, "What's so special about her that you like?"

Lady Dimitrescu straight with pride, "She has a heart, and the soul to keep going no matter how shit gets, she still pushes on and does her hardest to make me proud."

Zoe stares in awe when Lady Dimitrescu said that about her.

"While everyone else is doing the talking, she's the only one who's willing to get her hands dirty. For a  girl like her, she's strong and powerful, not to mention the fact that she's been to hell and back."

Mother Miranda stood there, listening to Lady Dimitrescu, "She means that much to you, doesn't she?"

Lady Dimitrescu looked deep into Mother Miranda's eye, "Of course she does."

Mother Miranda ponder for a while before speaking again, "Very then, She can stay." With that she walks out the room and disappears.

Lady Dimitrescu lets out a heavy sigh, sitting down in her chair. Lighting a cigarette, she takes a huge puff, the letting it out. Zoe observes Lady Dimitrescu from her hideout.

"Zoe?" Lady Dimitrescu said not moving "Come down from there and talk to me."

Zoe froze, What?! How did she- how did she know I was here? Zoe jumps off and lightly lands in front of her boss. Lady Dimitrescu motions for her to come closer, Zoe obeys. Standing at her feet, Lady Dimitrescu tips Zoe's chin up, forcing her to look into her yellow eyes.

"Don't worry about what Mother Miranda says." She smirks, "Besides, you only listen to me and my orders right?"

Zoe nods.

"Good girl." Lady Dimitrescu said moving in closer, "Now, How are you feeling? You've out for a week."

Zoe flinched at her words, A week?! "I- I'm feeling good." She flushes.

"Hm~" she leans back in her chair, "That's good. I was getting worried that you might not wake up."

Worried about me? "I'm fine Lady Dimitrescu, there's no reason for you to be worried about me. I'm strong."

Lady Dimitrescu nods and takes a hit from her cigarette "Yes, now you should go get ready for dinner."

Zoe nods and disappears into smoke.

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