Chapter Two Meeting Raye

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The following morning Zoe blinked awake, groaning, and hiding her face in her pillow. It's never ending. She gets up and heads out onto the street. The afternoon sun shining bright into her eyes. It seem like it's around noon. Zoe thought as she blocks the sun out of her eyes, well let's go find something to eat. She heads back into town, where she looks for food that's been left out. As she's wondering around she finds a half eaten stake with green beans and mashed potatoes.

"Sweet, this should do." She says taking the food and heads back to her house.

Sitting on her make shift bed, Zoe gobbles down the food like there's no tomorrow. God that was good. She rubs her belly, laying across her bed, sighing. I guess I should head out and see if there's anymore trouble to be made. Zoe gets up reluctantly, and heads out into the bright sunny day. Keeping an eye out, Zoe walks down an alleyway know to be a gang fighting street, she keeps her head down and minds her own business. Putting her hood up, she walks by a group of girls with brass knuckles, half shaved heads, piercing, and tattoos running up and down their arms.

"Hey isn't that the girl who beat up the Rose Gold gang?" One girl whispers to the girl next to her.

"Yeah," she replied, "That is."

"Hey!" The girl shouted.

Zoe stops and turns towards her, "Yeah?"

"Your the girl who beat the shit of the Rose Gold gang, right?" The girl asks.

"Yeah so," Zoe replied "What of it?"

"Nothing," She said "It's just no one's ever been able to stand up to them before until you did. Thanks for that." The girl smiles.

Zoe nobs and heads off.

By late evening, Zoe was walking back home from a long day of absolutely nothing but walking around with nothing good happening. God that was a waste of time. I could've gotten sleep. Zoe rubbed her eyes from sleepiness. Suddenly a loud scream that made Zoe lose her ability to breath. What the fuck was that. She looks around to find where it was coming from. After a while of silence, Zoe shook her head must be my imagination. As soon as she started walking she heard it again, but this time louder. Oh for fuck sake- Zoe walks swiftly towards the sound.

Once Zoe got close to the composition, she climbs up a set of ladder, onto the top of a building to get a better look on what's going on. When she got close to the edge she saw the same girl she save the other day, being surrounded by more men. Men that Zoe hasn't seen before. For Pete sake, what's up with men and cornering a girl? As Zoe continues to watch, she notices that the men were wearing nice clothing. Brand new suits and ties. Now what are nicely dresses men doing in these parts of the streets? Zoe thought, looking between the men and the lady.

One of the men shouted at the lady, "Where's are information!?" He punches the store wall angrely making the girl jump and scream.

The young lady covers her head speaking with a high pitch voice "I-I don't have it."

He growles in frustration, "What do you mean you don't have the information?" He takes a step back, pinching the bridge of his nose. "You had one job, one job and you can't even do that can you?" He pases back and forth "What am I gonna do with you?"

The girl trembles in fear. Before the guy could say anything further, Zoe jumps down from the rooftop, landing in front of the girl and spoke.

"Your not going to do anything." Zoe said, Gritting her teeth. "You want to hurt the girl you'll have to go through me."

The clenches his hand and laughs, "You got some nerves girl, barging into our business."

Zoe stood up straight, looking hard into the guys eyes "Look I don't give a fuck on what's going on here, but I'm not going to let you just corner a girl and make her feel scared just because you don't have what you want."

He takes a step forward pointing his finger at Zoe, "If you "don't give a fuck" then you'll leave and never speak a word about this."

Zoe throws her head back, laughing, covering one eye up. "You think that's going to work on me?" She looks dead straight at him, "Those threats only work on the people who have something or someone to lose. But you see I don't have anyone or anything to lose, so go ahead and spill all of your useless threats on me."

Zoe looks around her and smirks "But if you insist, I'll be glade to kick your guys asses, just like I did to the Rose Gold gang yesterday night." She creaks her knuckles, grinning ear to ear.

One of his men came up to him and whispered something into his ear. The guy grits his teeth and signal to his men to leave and they did. Dead silence fell between Zoe and the girl.

"You have a death wish or something?" Zoe asked bitterly. "Cause you're sure will be getting one, sooner or later." Zoe turned and faces the girl "Whatever happened to "staying low for a while?'"

After a while of silence the girl spoke "I was only going for a walk that all nothing more nothing less."

Zoe scoffed "Whatever, let's get you home, and when I get you home, you stay there for a while until all this shit is settled. Understood?"

The girl nobs and Zoe walks her home. After dropping her off, Zoe didn't feel like heading back home, so she walked to her favorite spot to relax, the woods. To Zoe, the woods is like her second home away from home. Listening to the wind blow, the birds singing their songs, the smell of grass, pine and oak filled her lungs everytime she took a deep breath. When Zoe reached the edge of the woods, she walked close to the cliff she once loved. Sitting down Zoe closed her eyes and imagined flying high across the sky. She smiles and soon after she drifts into a dream.

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