Chapter Seventeen- interrogations

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Zoe sat on the cold stone dungeon floor. She stares at Raye with mix emotions. After what felt forever, Zoe got up and walks up to him, shackles dragging against the stone floor. Zoe didn't say a word as she was escorted upstairs. Pain floods her body. When Zoe looked up her eyes caught the eyes of Bela, Cassandra and Daniela. She bit back sob as she looked back down at her feet.

Raye shoves Zoe into a study room that they use for interrogation. He closes the door and turns towards Zoe and leans against the wall. One of the men chained Zoe's shackles to the floor and stood back. Raye takes a step forward and circles around her.

"You look pretty good for a dead girl." He growles. Zoe doesn't answer. Her mind was blank as sheet of paper. "I don't know how you survived, but you should be dead." He back hands Zoe in he face. Yeah, same here. Zoe thought. Her eyes stared off in space. "Who do you work for?" Zoe doesn't reply.

The anger got the best of him, and he punches, kicks, and hits Zoe repeatedly. An hour later, Zoe layed on the stone floor, covered in blood. Raye motions for Zoe to be removed. They drag Zoe back to the dungeon and threw her inside like she was a piece of shit.

Zoe curls up into a ball and silently cries to sleep. She jolts awake to the sound of keys jingling and the cell door opening. She blinks her eyes open to see Bela standing in front of her. Zoe stood up and walked up to her. She knew that Bela hated her now. Zoe kept her head low, avoiding her gaze. Waking back up to the interrogation room, Zoe braced herself for more beatings.

"I can't believe it." Raye said shaking his head, "I trusted you and you betrayed that." His growles echoed the room. "I should just kill you, right here right now and get it done and over with."

Zoe's head hung, "Then do it." She says softly, "Kill me."

Raye stares at her and clenches his fist, Gritting his teeth, "HOW CAN YOU SIT THERE AND ACT SO CALM!" he shouts. "WE TRUSTED YOU. WE TOOK YOU IN AND YOU JUST BETRAYED US LIKE WE WERE NOTHING!"

Angry tears trickled down Zoe's face. "If you hate me that much, THEN JUST KILL ME THEN." She angry shouts back. " She trembles in her shackles. "I never wanted this." She says.

Raye growled, "Then why did you? Huh?"

Zoe bites her lip, if only you knew.

"Then why did you?" He repeats himself. WHY?!"


Raye stood there in shock.

"I was given three days, but I couldn't do it. I couldn't kill Alcina." Zoe takes a deep breath and continues, "I spent the past three years hiding from him, and mostly from you guys."

"Why didn't you come back? I thought you loved her? You told me that you loved her and you try to kill her." Raye's voices cracked.

Zoe hung her head hiding her tears. "I do, I...I still do."

"LAIR!" he slaps her hard.

Zoe's head snaps up, and she glares at him, "I do. There's not a DAY where I wish I was in her arms. If you don't believe fine, I don't care. Hit me all you want. The physical pain doesn't measure up to the emotional and psychological pain of losing her." Zoe breaths heavily, "I didn't come back because I was to afraid of facing her. To ashamed to look her in the eyes and tell her truth."

The sound of Zoe's cries surround the room, "I...I'm....Im so fucking sorry. I'd rather die then have to kill her or be killed." Zoe hiccups, "could you tell her that in sorry. That....that I still loved her?" She slumps to the floor,"

Raye stares down at her in disbelief. Soft clicks hit the stone floor. Zoe tensed, looking at the ground. The soft clicks walked up to Zoe and stood in front of her. Zoe bit back her fear. This is it. Imma gonna die. She trembles, I'm so sorry for being such a disappointment. The pain in Zoe's chest hurt like a bitch. The scent of Alcina flooded Zoe's head, as her heart pounded in fear.

Alcina kneels and cups Zoe's chin in her gloved hand, bringing it up to her eyes. Zoe looked into Alcina's golden ore eyes. Zoe eyes pooled as she looked at them remembering the last time she saw them. Zoe tried to pull back to look away, but Alcina kept a firm grip.

Zoe notices that her eyes were soft and caring. A wave of mix emotions past over her.

"Zoe?" Alcina said softly, looking down at her.

Zoe trembles at the sound of her name. Alcina's voice was calm and soothing as the sea, making Zoe sob, and forcing her head out of her hand. I can't, I can't do this. I rather die than see those eyes look at me with such kindness.

Alcina spoke again, "Zoe it's oka-"

"No!" Zoe interrupts her, "I-I don't deserve y-your forgiveness. I-Im not worthy of it."

Suddenly Zoe felt a pair of hands wrap around her and pulled in her close for a hug. Zoe tried so hard  not to melt in her arms, but her body disobey her. Going limp, Zoe buried her face in Alcina's neck and sobbed. They stayed like that for awhile until Zoe passed out in her arms.

Alcina picked her up in her arms and with one hand, she drew her long claws and sliced the chains off and retracted her claws. She turns to Raye and looks down at him.

"She'll be staying in my chambers until she gets better." Raye nods, and Alcina ducks out of the room and makes her way to her bedchamber with Zoe snuggled close to her. Alcina smiles down at her and kisses the top of her head and continues walking.

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