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Most of you probably believe in the saying "mother knows best". But I don't. Hi, I'm Katherine McVey, and as you all know, sister of James McVey, in a band called The Vamps. I'm currently 18 years old, and my birthday is on the 15th of January. I live in Cheshire and I really can't stand all the things my mom has been doing to me. This started when my dad died, about 8 years ago, from liver cancer. He wasn't drinking or anything, it happened really quick. By the time he was diagnosed, it was too late. So my mom just started drinking and smoking and all those stuff, just to forget about my dad. She was too depressed. Then, because of depression, she started losing her patience and not caring about James and I. We were left independent, but when James left for London, everything got worse. Mom started beating me, and I started getting bullied, good thing I have a best friend, Victoria who helped me all through out. There were nights when I had to sleep at her's, just because my mom had gotten so wild. This is my life.

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