Twenty One: Back Home?

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When we reached the house, I ran to my room and flopped onto my bed. I know I slept in the plane but with all the issues, I'm getting so tired of it to be honest. I got out of bed and changed into my pjs, then I went to my bed and slowly drifted to sleep.

I was awoken by Vicky calling my name. "Kat! Kat! I need to talk to you here! Now!" I quickly got out of bed and ran down the stairs to Vicky. "What's up with you so early in the morning?" I asked. "11? Oh not early." She said. "Anyways, my dad called me and he said that he's sending us back to the UK since the company here is doing fine anyways." I hugged her tight. I don't really know what to feel, but I'm surprisingly happy that we're going back to the UK. "So.. where am I staying?" I asked. I didn't have anyone to stay with, I don't know if the boys will allow me to stay with them again, and I can't go back to my hell of a mother. "Oh it's actually your choice if you would stay with me or stay with the boys, and don't worry because they allowed you to stay with them only if you want. Oh and don't worry, it's okay for the boys for you to stay with them." I hugged and thank her. I should probably stay with James, since he's the only family I have left. "When do we leave?" I asked. Oh I hope not today. "Don't worry, in two days. Enough time to pack." I ran up to my room and started pack my stuff. I left some clothing and my toiletries enough for two days, and I packed the others. I didn't notice that it was already 10pm and I better rest. So I took a bath and changed into my pjs, and I remembered I had to text someone before I sleep.

K: Hey Brad, have you heard?

B: Yes! I'm so excited to live with you again! I told you, it's fate, my princess. And I didn't wait that long!

K: Well, it doesn't mean I'm there we can be together, we have to start again.

B: Okay my princess :( I guess you should sleep now, it's late there. Goodnight x

K: Goodnight Brad, can't wait to see you! x

I decided that I'm not sleepy yet, maybe I should go watch some Youtube videos. I ended up watching Zoella's videos, some old covers of The Vamps, remembering all the memories we had while filming them. That's when I realised how much I miss them, especially Brad. I missed him so much, it's just that I didn't have the guts to face him that time. But now that we're living together again,it means that we'll see each other everyday, and nothing will tear us apart. (P.S. I quoted something there Vampettes)


A short chapter guys sorry! But I just decided on giving you guys a double update... And I have 18 reads till 1k! thank you so much for all your support! So here's my plan: I will have around 3-4 chapters left, then a goodbye note, then I'm finished! So this book is coming to an end:( But it also means that I'll start updating Love Waits too! (P.S. go check that out that's my other book) Thank you all so much for reading and voting!

-Sophia ❤️❤️

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