Twenty: I Love You, Goodbye

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Kat's POV

Today we're leaving Boracay and back to our lives in Manila. Sadly, the boys are also going back to the UK, back to their lives too. "Kat you ready!" Vicky shouted from the door. "Yeah I'm coming!" I shouted. I checked if I left anything in the room, then pulling my luggage towards the door. We made our way to the elevator. When we reached the lobby, we checked out and we are now going to the airport. I agreed to meet with the boys here in the airport, since they're taking a connecting flight from Manila to UK. I can see them walking towards us. "Hey guys! Kat! Vicky! we missed you guys!" I heard James shout from afar. He ran to us and engulfed us in rib-crushing hugs, wow he never changed. "I missed you too! It's been so long James!" I surely missed him. "Flight to Manila now boarding." I heard the speaker say. We go to the boarding gate and make our way to the plane. When we took our seats, I felt my phone vibrate. I had a text message from Bradley:

B: Hey Kat, I was not able to say bye so goodbye, we'll keep in touch okay?

K: Yes Brad, but you have to understand, we still can't be together. I love you don't ever forget that.

B: I will wait, I don't care how long and I love you too beautiful. :)

I decided not to reply, since it's not necessary. I really am thankful for all the memories we had, and I know one day destiny will bring us together. One day he can call me his again, and I can call him mine again. It's fate. I was distracted when I heard the captain saying that we're going to take off. I braced myself for the one hour flight, finally some time to rest.

-After the flight-

"Wake up Kat we're here." I hear Vicky whisper to me. I open my eyes and stretch, this I had a really good nap. "Let's go." We stood up and made our way out of the plane, to the arrival area where Kate will pick us up. I tried looking for the boys, but then I remembered that they're taking a connecting flight so they were probably in the departure area. We rode Kate's car on our way to our home. The whole time I was thinking about Brad and I, what if we won't ever have a chance to be together again? Oh that'll break my heart. I know that he's the only one for me, even if we are thousands of miles apart. It's either Brad or I'll be single forever. No one makes me feel the way Brad does. It gives me butterflies in my stomach, and shivers down my spine. Every time I see him, I just want to hug and kiss him and tell him that I love him. I can't even stand mad at him. We're both meant for each other, but it has to be at the right time. One day, we will. But not now. I can't stand long distance relationships. Love waits.


I quoted my other book ahahahah coz it's the only quotation I know that fits this situation lol.. anyways thank you guys so much! 31 reads till 1k is amazing! I never thought this would even reach 100 reads when I started writing it... It's just because when I'm down, or sad, I write and pour all my feelings to this book. So if like they're fighting in this book, definitely means I'm mad. AHAHAHAHAH I get all my ideas when I'm mad tbh lol but I also get a lot of ideas now since your support has been amazing! my ideas are so constant for the last two days.. thank you so much!!


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