Fourteen: Goodbye Home

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For the past few days, I've been staying in Vicky's house, crying. I was really thankful to have a friend like her who stayed by my side the whole time. My phone was turned off, and everytime someone would look for me, Vicky would just say I'm sleeping. All I did was watch tv all day and night. Then, Vicky's phone rang and she went to answer it. Her face dropped when she heard what was being told to her. "K-Kat... I'm... I'm going to migrate to another country... And that country is in Asia." "W-where?" I asked, obviously sad. "The Philippines." She said. That's like more than ten thousand miles away from here. In Asia. "Can I come? With you?" "Wait I'll try to ask my dad since he wants me to manage his business there." She called her dad and right after the call, she ran to me and hugged me tight. "YOU CAN COME WITH ME!!!" "Yayyyy!!" I shouted. There are too much memories here, too much I can't handle it. I need to move on. "We leave in a day." "WHAT A DAY ONLY?!" I was shocked. "Yes so cmon start packing." We started packing. I really didn't have that much stuff since it was left in the apartment, so I just borrowed some of Vicky's stuff since we have the same size.

As we finished packing the last of our stuff, I didn't realize how late it was! It was already 10pm and we obviously had to sleep for the flight tomorrow. So I changed into my pjs and quickly went into bed. Last night in London. I finally decided to turn on my phone, and 50 missed calls from Brad, 30 missed calls from James. I just quickly sent a message to James that I'm moving to the Philippines saying goodbye to him. Goodbye home.
Hiii I almost forgot the authors note lol okay sooo I just want to tell you guys that I have a new book called Love Waits also a bws fanfic so go read it! Prologue is up thank you! (Oh and btw that fanfic is like 102948582038493x better than this.) ANDDDD ALSO SHOUTOUT TO EVERYONE SUPPORTING MEEEE AND YES PHILIPPINES IS MY HOME.
-Sophia ❤️❤️

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