Three: Problems

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Brad's POV
I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at it. Shoot it's Daniella, my girlfriend, which I have no feelings for. I was just forced by my dad, who happens to be business partners with Daniella's dad. Shoot. "Hi Babe, how's it going?" I hear the most annoying voice ever. "Uhmm... yeah I'm fine." I reply. "So, can I spend the night there? I just want to spend some private time with my boyfriend." The most annoying thing she told me. But I had no choice or my parents will never accept me. "Uh... yeah sure." I reply with no feelings at all. "Yay! I'll be there at 6? I'm so excited." Daniella replied. "Uh yeah okay bye." I checked the time, it was currently 5:30. Still have time to explain to the boys, and Kat. "Guys! I need to tell you something!" They all rush to the living room, but when they see the sadness in my face, they start to feel worried. "Uhm, Daniella's spending the night here." I say it, knowing they will all feel sorry for me. "That fricking person! I don't even want to see her again." Connor replies, full of anger. "Yeah, she's so rude." Says Tristan. "Guys! You know the situation he's in, right? Stop that!" James said, thank you James you really act like our dad in the band. Then, I hear the door creak open, it's Kat. Oh no. She just woke up from her afternoon nap. What will I tell her. I know she's the one I have feelings for, and I think she has feelings towards me too, she just does not want to show it. She's the one I like, not Daniella.
Kat's POV
I see the door open and someone enters, I really don't know who it is. She has short hair, brown eyes, and wearing a dressing showing too much skin. A slutty dress. She's a slut. That's my first impression of her. "Hey Brad!" She exclaims as she kisses Brad everywhere. "I missed you Babe! And who's this girl?" She says with annoyance in her voice. I know that she does not like me. "I'm Kat." I say with annoyance and I run out. This hurts too much. The way Brad acts around me, I thought he felt the same way as I did to him. I see Brad chasing me, but I continue running. "Kat, wait! It's not what you think it is! I really li-." I suddenly don't hear his voice anymore, meaning that he stopped. I was very thankful. I just needed some space. But I don't know where should I spend the night? Then I search through the contacts in my phone and I remembered. Victoria. She was my besty since we were in pre-school, not until she moved to London in 7th grade. We still kept in touch, though as we had facetime calls at least twice a week. "Hello?" Her soft voice amswers my call. "Hi, can I stay for the night?" I answer, with all sadness in my voice. I knew where she lived since she gave me her address before she moved. "Besty! I've missed you! Of course you can! And what's wrong?" She replied, she was very worried. I can tell by her voice. "I'll tell you later. I'm on my way there." I hung up. I quickly got a cab and made my way there.
Brad's POV
I see Kat run out of the door, I was very sad. I tried to chase her, and tell her "Kat! Wait! It's not what you think it is! I really like you!" But I don't think she heard it all. "And what did you just say?" I heard Daniella's angry voice now. Oh no. I messed things up. What will dad think about me. He'll think I'm a disgrace. I was so worried but not about that. I was worried about Kat. What will happen to her? I need to find her. But first, I need to fix this mess. "You know Daniella, I never really liked you. I just became your boyfriend because I didn't want to upset dad. But now, I guess I really don't care about that anymore. So just please leave." It all spilled out of my mouth, like a vomit when it's out. You feel better. "You heard him, just leave." Connor said, full of anger. "I never expected you to do this Brad! You'll pay for this!" She shouted and left the place. "You finally stood up for yourself, mate. I'm so happy for you but I know you have feelings for Kat. Let's talk inside." Connor was worried. "Guys, you really helped me alot, if not for you then I must have hurt myself." I said as I cried and they all hugged me and said "Let's go find her, but we need some sleep first. We'll look for her tomorrow." I nodded my head and went to my room, immediately falling asleep. I will look for the girl I love tomorrow.
Hey guys! I'm not really sure if this chapter is long for you guys or not, but it's not that long for me. Hahaha. But I promise, when I have the time, I'll try to update most of the time. I'll be updating alot for now because it's summer here, and I have not much to do. If you have ideas, feel free to dm me! I'll try my best to reply to all your comments too!
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Btw sophiecarr2 teached me how to put my ideas together so that's why I can now write this book and organize my ideas. Thank you so much!
-Sophia ❤️❤️

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