Guns Drawn

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Venyamin and his two Viorica and Helsing, rounded on Risona. She stared at them with her slim, cruel face. Her out of place blond hair was braided. 

"I said what I said. Gear up. We move now."

"And just who do you think you are?" Viorica snapped. "Our mother is dead!"

"Besides burn her there is nothing to do. I am taking control of a matter than should have been delt with long ago." 

"And just what is that?" Venyamin snarled. 

"We are providing a ruse to confuse the North American Government, to allow the Black Spikes to unload the largest scale of drugs we've ever known."

"What!?" Helsing roared. "You can't trust them, let alone work for them. We don't deal in drugs for a reason!"

"It's come to my attention that Viorica's betrothed is a... peculiarly smart man." Risona's thin lips twisted up. "This will be the official sign on to our alliance and we will be merging shortly after. Construction for the new joint den is underway already." 

"What have you done!?" Helsing barked. "I will not be following any such orders!"

"But you will brother, unless you want to be tossed to the streets." She lifted a hand, signaling two guards. "You will not be the downfall of this family. Mother left me the throne and I'm going to respect my sister's wish. To ally."

"Not like this, Re-re! This is insane! Over there isn't as corrupt as you think it is! This will never work!"

"Of course it will you marriage-muddled thing." Risona's voice was like chips of ice. Her eyes were so cold they scorched everything they touched. She raised her hand. "What will it be Helsing. Will you join or die?"

"Fine!" He snapped. "But I will not be anywhere on the front lines."

"Of course not. We will be managing the ruse from the windows of a cargo ship."

Venyamin put his hands to his head, grabbing his hair. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"You." Risona suddenly snapped. "You owe me a dept and I'm calling it in."

"And what dept is that?" he barked. 

"Your job is the cause of mother and I's handy work."

"What!?" He just about screamed. "Absolute nonsense, I'm not participating in your little games right now."

"You are free to go home after this is over. Marilyn wants her prize pig home anyway. Why do you think she's so desperate? So scared for your citizenship? She knows who and what you are and wants you far away from this. Well too bad. You have skills I need." 

It was like all the air in the room had been taken from his lungs, and Helsing immediately put an arm around him. He glared at his siblings. 

"Did you all know this?" he demanded. "Was this all a ploy? How did...what..."

"I didn't know brother," Helsing murmured. 

"Marilyn is mother's relative somehow, and it's how I found you so easily." Viorica said, looking away. "I didn't know the specifics of it though. I wasn't the one keeping tabs."

It felt like his world was crumbling. The whole time Venyamin thought he'd gotten away; he'd hardly gone a few steps. So, what if he was half the planet away from home, they had strings on him like a detective case. It was all just figurative numbers. 

"Was my job even real?" he murmured. 

Risona laughed. "It actually was. No one expected you to be smart enough to be a figure head."

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