A Potential Gender With Arguments.

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Anissa went to bed without her husband. She sent him a message and he responded 'k'. She was honestly too tired after talking to Jack to get into it with him. Venyamin would calm down when he would calm down. And if he wasn't better tomorrow she'd have a word with him--even though she knew he just needed to get out more or have work matters be resolved. 

When she woke up, he was not there and there was no evidence he'd come home. She shoved aside the covers and checked the time. It was eight in the morning. Anissa huffed to her feet, her bandaged leg screaming in protest. The skin was awfully tight around the gunshot wound. 

She hobbled out of their bedroom door and began checking around the penthouse. He wasn't in the kitchen, so she went to the dining room (the one they never used), and then went to the front door. She wanted to check to see if his shoes were there but he had so many different ones she had no idea, and he had even more in the bedroom. 

She reached for her phone, but it was still in the bedroom. She gently pivoted on her good leg and paused. His tousled locks hung off the side of the couch. He was on his side, snoring softly. 

"Ven," she murmured, coming to squat down beside him. She placed her hand on his cheek, and he flinched immediately. His cold, blue eyes honed in on her for a second before they dipped to his stomach.  His arms were folded in the crease right before the swell. 

"That's right, I have an ultrasound today." He groaned and used his arms to shove forward to sit up. "So wake up little fella." 

"Ven, where did you go last night?"

He glanced past her and scanned the room for a long second, before his eyes honed back in on her. "I went to speak with my boss."

"What did Marylin have to say?" she growled back. She was still squatting beside the couch, and he, sitting upright, loomed over her. 

"Uh...not much actually. Once she realized she couldn't hold my job over my head anymore she gave up."

"What do you mean you have an ultrasound today?"

"Marty was called up, so I have to go in and get one done. She also wants me to speak with a news team as I'm still rumored to be pregnant and they want more back stories done."

"Ven," she studied him long and hard. She was extremely frustrated. She'd went to bed with him in a pissy mood to wake up and realize he could have just made things a lot worse. 

"Not now Anissa, I need to do what is best for our family."

"And that's going right back to work? That is not what is best." She crossed her arms and stood up so she was looming over him. 

He tilted his head to gaze up at her, not at all phased. "We need the money."

"We'll sell the cars if it gets that bad."

"Neither of us are working."

"We live in a damn penthouse with a general savings most people consider to be a life's worth."

He pinched up his face, but she had the feeling he wasn't about to respond accordingly. "Yeah, and I used some to pay off what I so-called 'stole.' Although Marty did cover me well. Besides we need to start preparing for the baby."

"What? What? And What!?" she sputtered. "How much, and when did this happen?"

"Casually. Just a few bucks."

"Ven," she snarled and he actually flinched. 


"Five million!? The drug wasn't even listed...Ven oh my god!"

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