53 - words of wisdom

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"Jesus Christ I am starving! Does anyone know where we can get something to eat?" I groan as Sar and I jump off the side of the boat, our feet digging into the sand. " I think there might be some stray coconuts in the treeline" Kiara looks at me as I feel Sarah's hand interlace in mine.

"Jay we'll be back in a little while, don't get into too much trouble while we're gone." I reach over, squeezing his hand before we separate, Kie, Sarah and I beelining to the trees.

"Okay so I'll climb up and how about you guys try to look on the ground and see if there are any on the ground." she says before starting to grip her way up the palm tree. She's halfway up when we both hear Sarah yell, "Jackpot!" my gaze flashes to her as she holds up a watermelon to the sky.

kiara jumps down with ease, breaking the green melon in half, and we all collapse onto the grass, stuffing our faces full of the red fruit.

"Okay, so you really got married?" Kie glances at Sarah and we both wiggle our eyebrows.

"I mean it wasn't exactly legal, but... yeah" a big grin spreads Sarah's face as a blush flushes her cheeks.

"Am I crazy, or is there definitely something going on between you and Pope?" Sar smirks as she pops a piece of watermelon into her mouth and Kiara looks away, "Maybe..."

"That's not a no huh?" I send her a teasing look and she still avoids both of our gazes, "It's not a no. No it's not."

"So how come when I disappear for a week, you somehow get the cutest baby bump I've ever seen?" Sarah gestures to the bump protruding from my lower abdomen, and my hand instantaneously brushes against it.

"Well I am fourteen weeks already so that'll do it. It's honestly more work than I thought to hide it in Kildare now that I'm actually showing. I've been basically dying of heat in class recently because of all the sweatshirts I've been wearing." I huff, tugging at my tank top that I was wearing, and Sarah reaches over, pulling my hand to a stop.

"Don't be ashamed Li, this baby is a miracle and will be loved no matter what the world is like when it comes to. Besides, knowing how beautiful its mom is and how handsome its dad is, there is no way this kid is coming out ugly." she gives me a knowing look before all three of let out a lighthearted laugh.

"We should probably go check on the boys and give them some food, knowing John B he's starving." Kiara picks up another watermelon, holding it above her head. I chuckle, nodding as we start to make the short trek back up to the dock.

"Hi, what y'all talking about?" Sarah speaks up first as I feel JJ's hands snake around my waist, pulling me into his chest. "Uh fishing..." John B sputters, obviously hiding something, and my eyebrow raises as JJ backs him up. "Dropping lures," he glances at me, seeing that I'm holding a watermelon, and he turns me around, grabbing it from my hands before I can refuse.

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