Kuroo Tetsurou X Attorney Male Reader

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Title: Crystal tears

Type: No f*cking idea, probably angst? Idk

Warnings: very, very serious subjects, beware!

Your POV:


I hummed along with calming classical music that filled my earphones, dragging a heavy suitcase with me through the airport terminal. I sat down, readjusting my baseball cap. It will be a long flight back and I don't want to be stuffed in a suit, instead I stole one of Tetsus black hoodies, before you say anything it was comfortable and it smelled like him so I'll miss him less. Truthfully, I was disappointed that he couldn't go with me like we planned, but Clara rightfully became our number one priority. I crossed my legs, enjoying the freedom that, also stolen, sweatpants offered. The ring tone of my phone cut off the music, I answered the call hearing two familiar voices.

"And tell him mister Stuffy wishes him a safe flight. Oh, oh, did you send him all of the pictures from my school play? Did he like them? I hope he liked them, I wished he could've been there. Also he doesn't have to worry about my school work, tell him I got an A yesterday!"

"Yes, Clara I'll make sure to tell him everything, don't worry, he'll come back tomorrow morning, save some things to tell him yourself."

I chuckled, hearing the exchange on the other end.

"I love that kid."

"And she loves you as well. Boarded already?"

"Nah, still waiting at the terminal, there seems to be some sort of a holdup."

"Gives us a bit more time, lucky me. I believe everything went smoothly?"

I sighed, leaning back in the plastic seat.

"More or less, anyway it's over and I can finally spend some time with the two of you."

"I'm sorry you had to go alone, hooking up in the palace was definitely on my bucket list."


He snickered, shuffling a bit before closing the door. He sighed. His voice lowered to a whisper, words wrapped in tenderness.

"I missed you so much."

"I missed you too, dear. Your everyday calls meant the world to me, especially in those darker moments-"

"You mean our nighttime calls..."

He cooed in the middle of my sentence.

"-when I didn't know how to go forward. Oh, come on you horny bastard I was trying to be wholesome."

Sweet, carefree laughing filled my ears.

"I'm sorry baby, but we can't forget about that can we..."

"Aaaand I'll change the subject now. How did your interview go?"

"Hm, oh right, I think it went pretty well, they're yet to contact me again. Overall I feel like it's a good decision, you know how I feel about volleyball."

"Yes I do. We'll wait for it to be official but celebr-"

My phone rang again, confused I got it out of my pocket reading the ID of the caller.

"I'm sorry baby, for some reason judge Samson is calling me, but last I heard he retired... I'll get back to you as soon as I can. I love you so much."

"Alright, take care baby, I love you too!"

I stared at the flashing bright screen, turning over the possibilities.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2022 ⏰

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Anime boys X Seme/Uke Male Reader {Oneshot book}Where stories live. Discover now