Kuroo Tetsurou X Attorney Male Reader

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The long awaited part 2 is finally here, I hope it was worth the wait, enjoy everyone.

Title: A tough case; Part 2




I shakily exiled trying to sort my rattled thoughts.

"Hey, Kuroo..."


He seemed shocked to hear my voice, a hint of fear lingering in his tone.

"Yes, I'm sorry I'm calling so late."

"Oh, no, please don't apologize. I just thought you wouldn't be working at this hour."

I let out a low nervous laugh.

"Heh, workaholic doesn't choose. Anyways, your hearing is tomorrow at eleven, your bail will be set then."


"I'm guessing the prosecution will ask for no bail, will you surrender your passport to the court?"

"You're my counselor and if Kenma trusts you so do I, I'll do whatever you think is the best."

I nodded as I scribbled on a blank piece of paper.

"Good, do I have your permission to use all information you gave me during our interview?"

He stayed silent for a moment.


"Did you tell this to anyone else?"

"Yes, to Kenma."


I gulped as I made a pause. The silence that filled the void between us for that mere second was frightening.

"One more thing... Your daughter... the court ordered a medical examination, she will be removed from your custody, also they already filed a charge against you."

Still silence.

"W-What... How... W-Why..."

"I believe your ex-wife's parents filed these charges to gain custody. To the prosecution you're their only lead, they believe you're guilty because anyone else just doesn't seem fit. I'm sorry Kuroo."

I heard sobs on the other side of the line, they were very faint, very low, but I still heard them. He sounded so broken, it tore my heart to be the one who told him all of this bad news.

"C-Can we do anything about it?"

"When the medical examination turns negative I can crush them, until then, unfortunately no."

"So, what happens now?"

I sighed.

"You go get some rest, tomorrow we get you out of the prison, then we prepare for the trial."


I smiled.

"Goodnight Kuroo."

"Goodnight (Y/N)."

I moved the phone from my ear.


I tilted my head in confusion as I placed the phone on my ear again.



"D-Don't stay working too late, okay?"

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