Seme Male Reader x Kageyama Tobio

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Requested by: @Lely061

Type: Lemon

Title: Lovers Reunited


I inhaled deeply as my eyes slowly fluttered open. Almost immediately I closed them as I brought my hand to make a shade so my eyes could just to the light. I yawned as I scratched the back of my neck. I looked over to the empty seat next to me before I laid back and turned towards the window. Beneath me was a wast, seemingly neverending, dark blue ocean. I was currently on a plane, flying back home to Japan. I went on a business trip to the USA, and finally, after 3 months, I'm flying back to Japan. I found the complex blue color of the ocean to be calming. My lips curved upwards, to form a soft loving smile, as the color reminded me of my boyfriend. His calming peacefully blue eyes that always hid his affection and love. That faint glitter in them that always made me love him even more. I was jerked back from my memories by a soft hand that gently shook my shoulder.

"Sir? Are you feeling well?"

I shook my head, my dilated pupils shrank back to their usual size, and my (E/C) eyes met with a pair of olive green ones. The stewardess looked at me with a small smile.

"Y-Yeah... I'm okay. How long until we arrive?"

Her smile widened as she drew away from me.

"No more than half an hour, sir."

I nodded, more to myself than to the kind woman as thoughts of seeing Kageyama filled my head again. 

"Would you like something to drink, sir?"

"A glass of water will be sufficient."

I replied and the woman poured a glass of the clear liquid handing it to me.

"Thank you."

She just smiled as she pushed her cart down the corridor. I sighed, taking a sip of semi-cold water. Just then my phone perked up with email notification. I furrowed my eyebrows as I touched the message.

From: Andrew Moore                                                                     11:50 AM

To: Me 

Dear Mr. (L/N),

I hope I'm not disturbing you, and I hope you are safe as you fly back home, but some pressing matters need your attention. In another email, I'll provide you with the paperwork you need to fill out as soon as possible. I'm sorry to inform you about this in such short notice but I have faith in you.

Yours sincerely,

Andrew Moore.

I sighed as I read the message from my boss again. Shortly after another notification popped up on my screen. It was a message containing all the forms I had to fill in and some paperwork I had to go through. I sighed, for someone that just finished law school I was blessed for having this job and a loving and caring boyfriend, but Andrew sure gave me a ton of work. I laid back in my comfortable leather seat, savoring the few moments of rest I had. Shortly after that, the voice from the speaker announced the landing. I strapped my seatbelt on and looked through the window, observing the ground that was gradually becoming larger and closer. The plane slowly and gracefully touched the ground before it came to a stop. I was among the first people to descend the stairs and get off the plane. After that, I walked inside the building to grab my suitcase. As I rolled my navy blue suitcase on the polished airport floor, in the seemingly infinite number of people, I noticed a dark-haired male frantically looking over the people. His blue eyes locked with my (E/C) ones as a warm smile spread across both of our faces. I hurried over in his direction, he did the same walking towards me. Somewhere along the way I let go of my suitcase handle and I heard when it collided with the door but I didn't mind, the most important thing in the world for me was right in front of me. As we approached each other I noticed that his eyes soften, washed with relief and happiness as he wrapped his hands around my neck. I grabbed him by the waist, pulling him closer. At first, a gentile reunion kiss was about to turn into a full makeout session but I managed to pull away. Kageyama frowned a bit but he didn't let go of me.

Anime boys X Seme/Uke Male Reader {Oneshot book}Where stories live. Discover now