Yamaguchi Tadashi x Seme Male reader

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Request by: Master_Yams68

Title: My little book worm

Type: fluff

(Y/N) POV:

The first warm rays of the rising sun effortlessly fell through my curtains and onto my calm sleeping face. As I slowly came back to my senses the first thing I heard was a beautiful and peaceful sound of birds happily chirping, announcing the beginning of another warm summer day. With still closed eyes I tapped around the table next to my bed, until I finally felt the smoot surface of my phone. As I pressed the power button and the screen lit up, my (e/c) tiredly scanned the time in the bottom corner. Seeing it was almost seven I groaned as I turned around, seeking the, almost nonexistent, shadow in order to grab a little more sleep. But as I was feeling the soft hands of heavenly sleep wrap around my mind again, my alarm went off. With a sigh I sat on my bad, grabbing my phone and turning of the annoying noise. Another sigh escaped my lips as I stood up and went to the bathroom to finish my morning routine. As I was grooming my (h/c) hair I watched my form in the mirror. The tiredness in my eyes reminded me strongly of college and of countless sleepless nights, spent on studying and reading. I had a good hearted chuckle in front of the mirrorr, as my mind was filled with happy memories of college.

It's so interesting, how much my life has changed after I graduated, even tho only a year passed. These memories, they feel so old, ancient almost. Ah... Maybe I'm just getting old.

I smiled again as I left the little bathroom in my apartment. Even tho I was a newly graduated student, I was constantly on top of my class. And when I graduated literature almost immediately I was called to replace the head librarian in my hometown. She was always a nice and kind woman, but the long service and diligent work took their tool on her. She was my mentor for almost six months before she retired completely and left the library in my, in her eyes competent, hands. I was still getting used to being a young head librarian, all of the other people working there were much older than me, still they always respected my knowledge and many of them recognized the amount of work I was putting in.

I was humming to myself as I was exiting the building. Big smile plastered on my face, I pushed my glasses up as I unlocked my (f/c) car.

I hope he'll show up again today.

Joyful aura emitted from my body as a goofy grin adored my face, only the thought of a certain green haired boy bounced in my head as I was diving to work. I turned the radio up, feeling the light summer breeze sweeping through my half open window. The song was known to me, and more so catchy, I happily sang along with my radio and time flew by quickly, I arrived in the parking lot of the library. The building itself was connected to the college complex, but it had the separate gate and a parking lot. With a soft click my car locked and I swung my messenger bag over my shoulder as I rattled the keys to open the front door. The place was quiet, and immediately the pleasant and calming sense of books filled my nostrils. I closed my eyes enjoying the moment of piece and quietness. I swiftly made it to my office and made myself a cup of (coffee/tea) to start the day. I hummed the same song I heard on the radio as I sat down behind a large front desk with my cup in hand. I fixed my glasses and picked up a book I started reading yesterday, it's a nice past time for the long hours while the library remains empty.

The thin silver hands of the large clock, that was hanging above the front door, made many circles quicker than I notice. I was lost in the little black letters of the ever so interesting book, a whole new world flourished around me and with every page I dived deeper into the incredible tale that was in front of me. That was until I heard a soft cough. I looked up, slight annoyance behind my calm and stern (e/c) eyes. It all melted away immediately as I recognized the adorable face of library regular. My lips curved upwards as I stood up immediately.

Anime boys X Seme/Uke Male Reader {Oneshot book}Where stories live. Discover now